World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
Back September 6th, 2008 Forward

Where am's so cold and I'm so damm hungry

Mae? Jess? Homer?

Is this hell?

bonnie deville [userpic]

No sooner do I pull my head out of the abortion hole, I get heartburn and holy wow, ow ow, stop making my boobs hurt (although the swelling I think I can live with)!

Grounded. Fucking ow, grounded.

Somebody's bored. And then I have this to look forward to. )

Where the hell am I?

One second, I'm sitting at my desk, doing paperwork, the next...I'm...where?

I don't think I'm in New York anymore...where's Mac? Danny? Sheldon? Lindsay?

Current Mood: scared scared

Some people really need to go back to kindergarten and learn their manners.


Back September 6th, 2008 Forward