daphne greengrass is [bulletproof];; (![]() ![]() @ 2009-10-21 13:56:00 |
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Entry tags: | !1997: 10, !incomplete, daphne greengrass, nikolas vaisey |
WHO: Daphne Greengrass & Nikolas Vaisey
WHAT: The accumulation of stress from the Vaisey's and Greengrass' takes a toll on the children!
WHERE: The Astronomy Tower
WHEN: Wednesday evening, around dinner time.
RATING/STATUS: PG-13; alcohol use, possible language / Started - Incomplete; Open to Nikolas Vaisey.
Whoever said that life at seventeen was easy was a damn liar. Life at seventeen for Daphne Greengrass was filled with responsibilities that she wanted nothing to do with. Everything around her felt like it was falling apart, and she had no control over anything. All she could control was eating, sleeping, and breathing. Which is exactly why she was skipping out on dinner, she didn't have to go, and she sure as hell wasn't hungry, she lost her appetite months ago. Seeking out a quiet place within the school was difficult, half the classrooms were filled, and the other half couldn't be trusted; what with rooms randomly locking students in, and others flooding with water. The common room was no better, students all giggling, and gossiping about the day just frustrated Daphne. She found herself having a shorter fuse with her house mates, and even snapping at them for some petty reason. The only solution she could find was taking to the Astronomy Tower - one of the tallest towers at Hogwarts. No student ever went up there, unless it was for a class, but considering it was only dinner time, close wasn't happening for another six hours.
She needed a place to escape, to leave everything and everyone behind, and forget about things that were happening that she didn't want happening. That's what brought her to the tower in the first place. The cool night air calmed her senses slightly, and made her realize that perhaps all that firewhiskey wasn't the brightest of ideas. A half empty bottle rested on the ground as the girl took a seat on the cool stones beside it. A case laid open on the other side of her which revealed a gorgeous, highly polished violin. Plucking the instrument from the case, fingers deftly moved over the strings, as she heard the instrument practically sigh from the touch -- or maybe that was her? She didn't place it under her chin to play, instead she just allowed the instrument to rest in her lap. Pressing her back against the wall, it steadied her all ready half intoxicated mind. The ground beneath her didn't feel like cold stone, instead it was like clouds which shifted beneath her and left her feeling weightless. She wanted to play her violin so badly, so much so that she brought the instrument with her up to the tower. However, after finding the bottle of whiskey in a secret compartment of the case, she decided drinking might be a better idea.
That feeling of weightlessness was a feeling welcomed to the Slytherin, still dressed in her uniform. Robes were carelessly tossed to the ground after her third shot, and thus left her at the moment in a clean, crisp white shirt that hugged her slender frame, with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. The Slytherin crest was sewn neatly upon the front of her shirt and that green and silver tie was straightened and perfectly aligned around her neck. Her black skirt hugged her hips, as a pair of white knee highs accented those sinfully long legs. A new pair of shiny patent leather Mary Janes heels completed her outfit. Sitting outside, on the parapet she looked out of her place, especially with a half empty bottle of Ogden's Firewhiskey to one side and a violin on her lap.
This was going to be an interesting evening.