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June 1st, 2008

[info]dameruth in [info]who_fic

Fanfic -- "Cold Comfort" (R, 1/1)

Title: "Cold Comfort"
Author: dameruth
Characters/pairings: Jack/Lucy Saxon
Rating: Hard R
Series: "Flowers"
Disclaimer: None of it's mine but the words and the dark . . .
Summary: Jack receives an unexpected visit while held prisoner on the Valiant during the Year That Never Was.

Jeez.  Here I am, supposed to be writing for the "Happy Prompt" challenge on the "twdw_ficathon" prompt over on LJ, and then badgerangel gives me the following prompts in the "story I'll never write" meme going 'round over there:

"Jack/Lucy Saxon.
Ace meets and instantly takes a dislike to Ten.
The Doctor (any Doctor) finally becomes Merlin."

While most of my responses to that meme are posted as comments in the original thread (and as a set over on Teaspoon), the first prompt above gets its own story, set in the "Flowers" sequence, just before "Target of Opportunity."  If you've read that story, you've got fair warning of the tone for this one.  If not -- hard "R" and dark stuff, at least by my standards. It also carries on that series' assumptions about Time Lord biology, but it should still read as a standalone.

Thanks to aibhinn for beta-fu -- now I'm off to be happy for a bit, then I'll lightly re-edit "ToO" to be in line with this series addition . . .

(Follow the false cut to my journal here . . .)

[info]dameruth in [info]who_fic

Fanfic -- "An Inordinate Fondness" (G, 1/1)

Title: "An Inordinate Fondness"
Author: dameruth
Characters/pairings: Ten, Donna
Rating: G, All Ages
Word count:  3,408
Series: None
Disclaimer: None of it's mine but the words and the fluff. . .
Summary: Ten and Donna share some relaxing moments, enlivened by arthropods.

Written for the twdw_fichathon "Happy Prompts" challenge.  Prompt: "Our Song."  Unbeta-ed, and rather meandering, but I hope it's as much easygoing fun to read as it was to write.  ;)

(Follow the sneaky false cut to my journal!)