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[Aug. 6th, 2011|10:17 pm]
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Who: Ann Mulhall + Capt. Kirk
When: 2259.218
Where: Ann's bio lab
What: Ann receives an unexpected visitor while tending her favorite specimen
Rating: PG (I'm pretty sure, but Jim is involved so...)

Yes, she was talking to a plant. )
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[Jul. 23rd, 2011|10:53 pm]
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WHO: Kevin (bratty child) + Open to anyone in Engineering.
WHEN: 2259.205
WHERE: Engineering!
WHAT: One of the kids finds his way to engineering he isn't exactly nice.
RATING: PG-13 for cursing probably.

Read more... )
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[Jul. 15th, 2011|08:14 am]
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Message Type:text
To: Gabby
From: Ann
When: 2258.193 [07/11] (backdated)
Subject: Cookies!

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COOKIES SO MANY COOKIES OMG [Jul. 12th, 2011|01:52 am]

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WHO: Christine Chapel
WHEN: 2259.192 [July 11] - all day
WHERE: Enterprise's mess kitchen and then various.
WHAT: Christine given a mental health day from McCoy spends the time baking and leaving cookies around like a cookie Santa Claus.
NOTES: She's leaving them when she's done so it'll be later at night, but if you want to react to your character receiving them you can. All the girls on the away mission got some as did the rescue party. If I forgot anyone, tell me, but they got cookies too! And they totally all say who they're too and from with the words, "thank you." for the rescue team, and "Sweets cure all annoyances." to the away mission team. Look at the yum!

Bad day at school. Make Cajun fried chicken. Mad at your friends. Make homemade candy. The worse the day the more you cooked. )
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[Jul. 8th, 2011|06:16 pm]
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Who: Nyota Uhura, Christine Chapel, Ann Mulhall, Areel Shaw, Gaila + npc!redshirts and npc!Angel One natives
When: 2259.191 [07/10] -- forward dated
Where: Angel I
What: The first all-female away team goes to make official first contact with the people of Angel One. It doesn't go all that well.
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Here is the plotty post. If there's any questions or ideas we've got a discussion going on there!

'If you'll follow me..?' )
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[Jun. 26th, 2011|09:58 pm]
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Who: Ann Mulhall (OPEN or Narrative)
When: 2259.177 (June 26) - alpha
Where: bio labs
What: Ann has new Kriosian specimens to study, although one of them may be studying her as well
Rating: G

...she'd taken a tour of botanical gardens and purchased some interesting specimens. The absolute prize was a plant that the horticulturist had described a 'semi-empathic'... )
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[Jun. 11th, 2011|12:29 pm]
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Message Type: private text
To: Gabby Carlotti
From: Ann Mulhall
When: 2259.162
Subject: Want to get together sometime?

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[May. 30th, 2011|10:50 am]
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Message Type: Text
To: Christine Chapel
From: Gabrielle Carlotti
Subject: Virus
Date: 2259.150 (May 30)

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Message Type: Text
To: Ann Mulhall
From: Gabrielle Carlotti
Subject: Virus
Date: 2259.150 (May 30)

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[May. 27th, 2011|12:06 am]
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Who: Leonard McCoy + OPEN
When: 2259.147 [05/27] -- midday
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → Deck 7: Sickbay
What: A fun new virus goes sweeping through the 'ship.
Rating: G
OOC: Feel free to have your kids get sick or have to fill in for sick coworkers or acting paranoid about falling ill or what have you for the next few days. :)

By the sixth case of the day, McCoy was officially tired of this virus. )
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[May. 12th, 2011|06:01 pm]
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Who: Ann Mulhall + OPEN
When: 2259.131 (May 11 back-dated)
Where: Large conference room
What: Ann is trying not to fall asleep during the Starfleet rep's lecture
Rating: G

...if they were back at the Academy people would be passing funny notes on their PADDs to stay awake... )
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