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COOKIES SO MANY COOKIES OMG [Jul. 12th, 2011|01:52 am]

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WHO: Christine Chapel
WHEN: 2259.192 [July 11] - all day
WHERE: Enterprise's mess kitchen and then various.
WHAT: Christine given a mental health day from McCoy spends the time baking and leaving cookies around like a cookie Santa Claus.
NOTES: She's leaving them when she's done so it'll be later at night, but if you want to react to your character receiving them you can. All the girls on the away mission got some as did the rescue party. If I forgot anyone, tell me, but they got cookies too! And they totally all say who they're too and from with the words, "thank you." for the rescue team, and "Sweets cure all annoyances." to the away mission team. Look at the yum!

Bad day at school. Make Cajun fried chicken. Mad at your friends. Make homemade candy. The worse the day the more you cooked. )
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[Jul. 8th, 2011|06:16 pm]
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Who: Nyota Uhura, Christine Chapel, Ann Mulhall, Areel Shaw, Gaila + npc!redshirts and npc!Angel One natives
When: 2259.191 [07/10] -- forward dated
Where: Angel I
What: The first all-female away team goes to make official first contact with the people of Angel One. It doesn't go all that well.
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Here is the plotty post. If there's any questions or ideas we've got a discussion going on there!

'If you'll follow me..?' )
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[Jun. 17th, 2011|11:52 pm]
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Who: Ethan Mathews + Christine Chapel
When: 2259.168 [06/17] -- Early Evening
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → Ethan's Quarters/Christine's Quarters/Other places (Ethan has a few tricks up his sleeve.)
What: Ethan and Chris date night! Booyeah!
Rating: PG?

All I need now is the girl. )
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[May. 28th, 2011|01:47 am]
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Who: Dawson W.B. + OPEN (to roommates)
When: 2259.148 [05/28] -- around halfway through gamma shift
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → Deck 4: W.B's quarters
What: W.B. gets sent off shift early. Because he's sick. Which sucks.
Rating: G

W.B. dragged himself into his quarters and all but collapsed onto his bed. )
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[Apr. 28th, 2011|08:55 am]
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Message Type: Text
To: Ethan Mathews Dawson W.B.
From: Elliot Gilden
When: 2259.115 (backdated a day! to sometime after Scotty's message)
Subject: Apologizes

you have 1 new message )
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[Apr. 28th, 2011|11:01 am]
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WHO: Ethan Mathews, OPEN (Or narrative)
WHEN: 2259.117 [04/27] -- lunch time alpha shift
WHERE: His quarters

This was not in the brochure! )
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[Apr. 11th, 2011|09:50 am]

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Who: Sam Giotto + OPEN
When: 2259.101 - beginning of Alpha shift
Where: Gym
What: Giotto is a little ahead of schedule for once in warming up before teaching expert hand-to-hand
Rating: PG

For once the day had started normally (whatever that might mean on this ship) )
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[Mar. 29th, 2011|06:44 am]
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Who: Ethan Mathews and OPEN
When: 2259.087 (Around Lunchtime!)
Where: Mess Hall
What: Space is too quiet!
Rating: TBD

The Music of the Night...There is none! )
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[Mar. 12th, 2011|12:18 am]
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Who: Dawson W.B. + OPEN
When: 2259.071 [03/12/10] -- a little after 0600 until 1030 or so
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → Deck 1: Bridge
What: The Enterprise picks up a Klingong warbird on long-range sensors and goes to Red Alert. (Nothing comes of it and the alert is downgraded a few hours later when the warbird has been out of range again for over an hour. Welcome to the Federation/Klingon Cold War.)
Rating: PGish
Notes: Feel free to start subthreads during the "crisis" or what have you. ^^

'Long-range sensors picking up elevated energy readings...' )
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[Mar. 4th, 2011|01:09 am]
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Who: Ethan Mathews, OPEN
When: 2259.063 [03/04/2259] -- beta shift
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → multiple locations
What: Ethan on patrol!
Rating: PG

This time of evening, the Enterprise was a ghost ship. )
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