What Price? - September 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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September 12th, 2009

going underground, going underground, well let the boys all sing and the boys all shout for tomorrow [Sep. 12th, 2009|10:56 am]


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[Current Music |The Jam, "Going Underground"]

Who: Cho Chang, Marcus Belby, NPCs Jacqui Foster, Helen Gasalee, and Lois Walcott
What: Cho makes a hard decision.
When: September 1-11, 2009
Where: Various places, ending up at the Marsh Harrier in Oxford
Warnings: Cho's mouth, mostly.
Status: Incomplete

And the public gets what the public wants but I want nothing this society's got )
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[Sep. 12th, 2009|04:04 pm]


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Who: Cho Chang and Percy Weasley
What: In which Cho's future employment with the Ministry is discussed.
When: Saturday, 12 September 2009
Where: Casey's Cantrip, Dublin
Warnings: Cho's language, if that.
Status: Incomplete

With Marietta's help, Cho was able to pinpoint the elusive Casey's Cantrip quite easily and safely. She also had Marietta to thank for the subdued, dark-blue robes she was wearing: the wizarding equivalent of the navy-blue interview suit. Marietta had done a brilliant job adjusting them where needed, but Cho still felt uncomfortable in the clothes, so strange after years of Muggle casual wear. She had the constant feeling that they were riding up in the back—they weren't, but it was similar to that feeling one sometimes got wearing tights, that the things were going to fall off any minute now.

Ignoring her discomfort, she made her way into Casey's and looked around for Percy.
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[Sep. 12th, 2009|04:41 pm]


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[Current Location |London]
[Current Mood |excited]

Who: Penny & Shashi
When: Monday, 14 September 2009, lunch (forward dated)
Where: Muskaan Restaurant London
What: Lunch and chitchat
Status: Thread, Complete
Rating: G/PG?

Penelope got to the restaurant a bit early. She still felt a bit bad, not telling Charlie about the change of plans, but considering how things went on the journals, she preferred to just give Shashi the benefit of the doubt.
Spotting him when he walked in, she smiled at Shashi and stood up.

"Hey there, stranger. How have you been?"
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