What Price? - September 11th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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September 11th, 2009

[Sep. 11th, 2009|02:17 pm]


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[Current Mood |chipper]

Who: Miranda Pye and Penelope Clearwater
What: Catching up on girl talk while doing a fitting.
When: Tuesday night, September 8 (backdated)
Where: Miranda's flat
Warnings: Just the usual girl talk.
Status: Log, complete.

And why does my amazing designer have romance novels on the brain? )
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[Sep. 11th, 2009|02:58 pm]


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[Current Mood |calm]

Who: Phillip Hughes and Adrian Pucey
Where: Adrian's house
What: housemates ought to chat once in awhile
When: Friday, September 11, evening
Status: Thread, complete
Rating: PG/G,

Dinner of course, was a wonderful affair. Phillip could not complain about the food here and he certainly wasn't used to eating so well and richly. As the dishes disappeared, he sat nursing his glass of wine while Ellie excused herself to go do something.

"How has your week been?" Phillip asked as he folded his napkin and set it aside.
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[Sep. 11th, 2009|09:47 pm]
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Who: Adrian Pucey and Janice Grieve
What: Not entirely idle chatter about their various Muggle connections
When: Friday morning, 11 September
Where: The Leaky, on the way to Diagon Alley
Warnings: None.
Status: Closed, completed.

You're a very strange man, Adrian Pucey. )
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