What Price? - September 8th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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September 8th, 2009

Letter, 8 September 2009 [Sep. 8th, 2009|09:48 am]


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[A very large, gold-trimmed envelope hand-delivered by Juliet's bodyguard to Ministry Annex One. The envelope is closed with the Travers family seal. The letter is warded to Percy, Lucius, and Charlie.]

To: Minister of Magic Percival Weasley, Chief Warlock Lucius Malfoy, Minister of Public Safety Charles Weasley


On behalf of the Travers and Orfanos families, I would like to formally offer Travers Close as the new meeting-place for the Wizengamot, and in doing so, place the property in trust of the Wizarding Government of Great Britain.

Naturally I do not make this offer lightly; it has involved no small amount of soul-searching and discussion with my family. Technically, my children Marina and Stefan are the heirs to the Travers estate—and if it were likely that they (or their issue) would be returning to England, matters might well be different. But it is increasingly clear to all of us that their futures lie elsewhere, and we have concluded that our best service to this country will be in offering our ancestral home as a stable base of operations for its government.

I have enclosed a map of the estate and a floor-plan of the house. You will see that the library, with proper arrangements, will be of more than adequate size to provide a meeting-hall for all members of the Wizengamot.

I am available at your convenience to discuss this matter further if you desire. My solicitors are drawing up the necessary paperwork and are prepared to meet with Ministry solicitors as needed.

Juliet Travers Orfanos

[Below the signature, the Travers family seal is stamped in charmed wax. The enclosed maps and plans are charmed so that the reader can tap on a room or area and get a more detailed overhead view of that space.]
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beers and cigs [Sep. 8th, 2009|06:59 pm]


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[Current Mood |restless]

Who: Phil and Gus
When: Monday, September 7, 2009
Where: The Steps of Adrian's townhouse
What:A friendly little chat and a switching of roles. Oh, and curry, cigs, and beer.
Status: Log, Completed
Rating: G/PG

I also don't speak Latin unlike our dear Catholic boy. )
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