What Price? - August 21st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 21st, 2009

Owls to the Daily Prophet and the WWN [Aug. 21st, 2009|02:48 pm]


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identical owls, except for the addressee, sent to Barnabas Cuffe at the Prophet and Zach Smith at the WWN )
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Internal Secure Memos [Aug. 21st, 2009|08:52 pm]


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To: BurbageG, Director
From: SomersetD, Section Head, C Section

Subj: State of Investigation of the disappearance of Hughes, P.
As you requested, I am summarizing our reconstruction of events concerning the disappearance of Father Phillip Hughes )

To: AllC
From: SomersetD, Section Head, C Section

Subj: State of Investigation of the disappearance of Hughes, P.
We must assume that an active Counterintel program is being executed by 'wizards' )
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Owl Post:: All Weasleys [Aug. 21st, 2009|10:44 pm]
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I have been away too long )

addendum to Bill's Owl )
addendum to Charlie's Owl )
addendum to Percy's Owl )
addendum to George's Owl )
addendum to Ginny's Owl )
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[Aug. 21st, 2009|11:21 pm]
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Who: Janice Grieve and Adrian Purcey
What: Adrian offers Janice a job
When: 25 July, early evening
Where: Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales, including Janice's flat
Warnings: innocent mentions of harlotry
Status: Complete

If she hears what I want from you, she'll follow up that wrong assumption with even worse ones, won't she? )
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