What Price? - August 20th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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August 20th, 2009

Beach bumming. [Aug. 20th, 2009|05:13 pm]


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Who: Charlie Weasley & Penny Clearwater (and Mircea)
What: A break from work
When: Wednesday evening, 20 August
Where: A beach near Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire
Warnings: Charlie still has a mouth on him
Status: Closed, incomplete

The beach at Robin Hood's Bay was generally deserted on weekday evenings. It was a bit cool and the clouds threatened rain, which meant there were even fewer people around than usual. Charlie considered this ideal for an evening away from London with Penny. They could talk freely if they wanted, and nobody was going to tell him to put Mircea on a leash. And if the rain did start, they'd head up to the town on the cliffside for dinner.

Charlie scrutinised the clouds for a moment, then turned to Penny. "Looks like we have some time before it does anything more than drizzle. I don't even see it doing that for a while."
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[Aug. 20th, 2009|09:54 pm]


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Who: Penelope Clearwater & George Weasley
When: Tuesday, 18 August, 8pm
Where: The spot where the quidditch match was.
What: A spot of training
Status: Closed, complete

Penelope had rushed home from work, made some noodles quickly and scarfed them down before apparating to the quidditch pitch just after 8. Spotting the Weasley red, she smiled.
"Sorry I'm late. But I brought biscuits. And a song."
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