What Price? - August 19th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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August 19th, 2009

Just a little forgery between friends. [Aug. 19th, 2009|01:48 pm]


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Who: Cho Chang, Dean Thomas
What: In which Cho needs to see a man about some papers.
When: Wednesday, 19 August
Where: Kendricks Bar, London
Warnings: None really.
Status: Complete

So... basically your average anime character. )
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Letter to Katie [Aug. 19th, 2009|10:37 pm]


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Who: To Katie Bell, no return address
What: Letter by Muggle post
When: Wednesday, 19 August
Where: posted to her flat
Warnings: none
Status: closed, complete

The following letter arrives by Muggle post for Katie Bell. It has no signature, no return address, and -- upon careful inspection, if one were to go that far -- no fingerprints save those of the postal workers who handled it. The envelope lists Katie's name and the correct street address, though not her flat number; and not only is there a bit too much postage affixed to it, one of the stamps has an owl on it.

...sometimes it's hard to know who's got my back and who's simply waiting to stick a knife in. )
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