What Price? - August 3rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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August 3rd, 2009

Private to Charley Weasley [Aug. 3rd, 2009|08:25 am]
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Private to Charley Weasley )
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Internal Emails [Aug. 3rd, 2009|04:29 pm]


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[Current Mood |ecstatic]

TO: SomersetD (David);
FROM: ShauriD (Douglass;
CC: All Section C field agents with exception of Potter
SUBJECT: Medical Clearance

As of 0937 today, I am cleared for field duty once more. The cast is off and the slim lined brace isn't noticeable under a shirt.

Drinks on me tonight after work.
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Astoria goes back to work. [Aug. 3rd, 2009|04:37 pm]

Who: Astoria Greengrass
What: Astoria's return to work
When: 3 August, 10 AM
Where: Daily Prophet offices, Diagon Alley
Warnings: none
Status: narrative, complete.

Astoria wasn't ready to Apparate yet, so she'd had Jac help her get to Diagon Alley. She'd learn how to Apparate all over again, but there was no point in pushing it today, and with her cloak and her hood drawn up, she could pretend that she and Jac were just two of the women who came to get herbs at the increasingly ill-supplied apothecary or to do some business at the Annex off Knockturn Alley. It had taken a lot of strength not to turn and go down to where Chris was working. But she couldn't do that; it would disappoint too many people. And there was something going on with Chris, who had been extremely agitated all weekend over something he hadn't wanted to discuss. Astoria didn't press, but she knew she couldn't let him down by showing how unready she felt to go on with her life.

Ready? )
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What's he got in his pensieveses? [Aug. 3rd, 2009|10:18 pm]


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Who: Charlie Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and Lucius Malfoy
What: Lucius and Draco have a pensieve, and Charlie needs to borrow it
When: Monday morning, 3 August, 9 AM
Where: Malfoy Manor
Warnings: None expected
Status: Closed, in progress

Charlie arrived at Malfoy Manor as close to 9 AM as possible. Mircea was with him; while he didn't expect to be jumped at the Manor, he didn't want to be without a guard while he was carrying the pensieve bottle with the memories that someone had given to Warrington. Mircea was the best guard in the world, and so he'd brought the dog to Malfoy Manor. Now he was waiting in some sort of parlour for the house-elf to fetch Lucius and Draco, one of whom, presumably, would fetch the pensieve.
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