What Price? - August 4th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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August 4th, 2009

Not exactly whistleblowing, just ... trying to make sense of things. [Aug. 4th, 2009|11:00 am]


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[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Krishnan Shashidhar, David Somerset
What: In which Shashi tries to articulate his misgivings over Satou's methods.
When: Monday, August 3 2009
Where: David Somerset's office, Section C, MI7
Warnings: Shashi swears a bit (and apologises).
Status: Complete

Excessive force is a disincentive to cooperation. )
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[Aug. 4th, 2009|03:03 pm]
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Who: Adrian Pucey & Romilda Vane
What: House call
When: Tuesday afternoon, 4 August
Where: Romilda's flat
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed, complete.

Adrian had been dreading this particular house call because he knew he was likely to end up with a patient in crisis by the end of it. While he'd felt Romilda was doing well under the circumstances until now, the idea of someone Romilda knew, and more importantly, someone who knew about Romilda, being taken was likely to upset Romilda. It was upsetting enough to him because of the threat to Gus, and he didn't have the traumatic experiences that Romilda did.

These things were two steps forward, one step back. He just had to be ready for the step back, and to help if Romilda stumbled. He took a deep breath and buzzed to be let in.
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Owl post to Redbridge House [Aug. 4th, 2009|10:32 pm]


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[A small box, charmed to open for Astoria, sealed with the logo of German stationer Faber and Putnam. Inside are three of the newest German-made Quick-Quotes Quills, which transcribe considerably more quickly than the last versions, and several rolls of Putnam's Palimpsest Parchment, which can be written over up to a dozen times, and with a simple charm, the user can backtrack through each layer of text. There is also a box of assorted Greek pastries and sweets, for Chris and Vida.]

My dear Astoria,

Congratulations on your return to the Prophet. I look forward to seeing your byline again.

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