What Price? - August 1st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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August 1st, 2009

[Aug. 1st, 2009|12:27 am]
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Who: Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom (NPC)
What: Harry finds Neville has lost it in Grimmauld Place. Harry brings him back to his apartment and undoes the memory charm he placed on him.
Where: Grimmauld Place, then York basement apartment.
When: BACKDATED to Sunday, July 26, 2009

He wound back his fist and clocked Harry right across his left cheekbone, falling nearly on top of him with the action. )
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[Aug. 1st, 2009|08:04 am]


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Who: Percy Weasley, Marietta Edgecombe and a plethora of portraits
What: Percy and Marietta meet and attempt to open a box
When: Thursday 23 July, 9pm
Where: Ministry Annex One, Luton, Upper Flagley
Warnings: none
Status: log/complete

Minister Percival Weasley' he replied easily, as if he'd been saying it all his life. 'This is Unspeakable Marietta Edgecombe and we've come this evening on a matter of some importance. May we proceed? )
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Birthday Wishes [Aug. 1st, 2009|06:57 pm]



Who: Ginny Weasley and Teddy Lupin
What: A necessary conversation
When: Late on Friday, 31 July
Where: Fawcett-Finnegan safehouse
Warnings: None
Status: Complete

...Grown-ups telling you they need to talk to you in the middle of the night rarely turned out to be a good thing. )

Encrypted email, 1 August 2009 [Aug. 1st, 2009|07:20 pm]
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To Katie Bell, Cho Chang, Ernie MacMillan )
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The Order plans a heist [Aug. 1st, 2009|07:53 pm]


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Who: Charlie Weasley and assorted members of the Order of the Phoenix
What: Figuring out how to steal an anti-Apparation device
When: Saturday evening, 1 August
Where: Order safe (ware)house, undisclosed location
Warnings: It's Charlie, look for the potty-mouth
Status: Open to members of the Order, complete.

Charlie had arranged for everyone who might be involved in the upcoming raid to get an Anti-Apparation Device to meet him at the warehouse. He felt like he ought to put up a sign that said "NO MAGIC IN THE WAREHOUSE" but he'd have to go outside to conjure some paint and a board to make it. Instead he settled down in a broken-down chair that he'd salvaged and waited for the others to arrive.
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Dead Letter Drop: Katie to Adrian [Aug. 1st, 2009|08:37 pm]
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Time is critical. Please help. )
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Ginny/Charlie: Cooling Down [Aug. 1st, 2009|09:46 pm]


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Who: Charlie and Ginny Weasley
What: Checking in several days after the family blow-up, for planning and also pie
When: Wednesday evening, 29 July
Where: Fawcett-Finnegan safehouse
Warnings: PG-13 for language
Status: Complete

Apple, berry, chocolate, or meat? )

Secure Internal Email, Friday evening, July 31, 2009 [Aug. 1st, 2009|10:57 pm]


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[Current Mood |unimpressed]

TO: SomersetD (David);
FROM: SatouM (Michael);
CC: ShashidarK (Krishnan);

Granger has been apprehended after proving to be uncooperative during questioning. After suspect was asked to leave premises with agents, she became violent and was forcibly restrained. Suspect is now in care of MI7 medical personal with authorization restriction in regards to Dr. Phillip Hughes as well as Agent Harry Potter. Caution markers also put on file in regards to violent behavior and possible suicidal tendencies based on observations and character write up from Dr. Phillip Hughes.

Cover story for Granger's whereabouts is needed for professional and personal contacts. Suggestion of a hacker scandal due to her area of expertise. Suspect's flat has also been entirely confiscated and items have been deposited to appropriate departments for inspection. Request suggestions on course of action to pursue in regards to suspect's now empty flat.

Briefing of encounter is attached to this email. Audio files from wire tap are available via Agent Samuel Lawrence in Section B.

Request interrogation of following people in regards to discrepancies in Granger's interrogation:
- Katie Chang
- Medical personnel and employees of Central Middlesex Hospital who had contact with Granger

Also request any surveillance materials available from hospital during time that Granger was there.

Agent Michael Satou
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