What Price? - July 22nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 22nd, 2009

Encrypted Emails [Jul. 22nd, 2009|10:51 am]


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[Current Mood |anxious]

Encrypted Email to A. Pye )
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It's just - everything that happened today, it's all starting to really sink in. [Jul. 22nd, 2009|11:24 am]
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Who: Gus Pye and Michael Corner
What: Healing after the boat fight
When: 10 July
Where: Snowdonia hospital
Warnings: none
Status: complete

That's what happens during a war... )
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Adrian has lunch at Pucey House [Jul. 22nd, 2009|02:48 pm]

Who: Adrian, Eleanor, and Charles Pucey and Drusilla Rosier Pucey
What: Luncheon to welcome Ellie on her return to England
When: Wednesday, 22 July, lunchtime
Where: Pucey House, Bath
Warnings: Rated B for bitchery
Status: Closed, complete

It was Adrian's house by rights. He'd inherited it and its wards sat heavy on his shoulders to the point of suffocation. And yet, he sat in a guest's place, to the left of the hostess--that bitch Drusilla--not even the place of honour to the right. That was reserved for Ellie, who also by rights ought to live here but, for the time being at least, was going to stay with Adrian.

... the Procrustean bed that was his life ... )
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Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff [Jul. 22nd, 2009|02:52 pm]


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Who: Charlie Weasley & Ernie Macmillan
What: Meeting to discuss that report Ernie sent Charlie
When: 1 PM, Wednesday, 22 July
Where: The ruins of Christchurch Newgate in London
Warnings: Most likely, none
Status: Closed, incomplete

Charlie and Mircea made their way to the ruins of the church, passing the occasional tourist (a hazard of meeting anywhere in London). It was daring fate to bring his dog as many places as he did, but Charlie was more comfortable with the risk of bringing the dog than he was without Mircea. His boots and particularly his jacket had been repaired since the fight with MI7 on the boat, and he had mostly recovered from his injuries with the help of potions, and particularly, bruise paste, so his movements were only slightly constrained by them. Idly, he wondered how long it took Muggles to heal up from bullet wounds and broken arms.

They were a bit early, so Charlie found a good vantage point and settled, waiting for Ernie, keeping an eye on any of several directions Ernie could be coming from. Mircea sat at his feet, ready to greet anyone who came by, or defend his master if needed.
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Owl post to Marcus Belby [Jul. 22nd, 2009|03:18 pm]
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Warded to Marcus' eyes only )
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Marietta and Cho have lunch [Jul. 22nd, 2009|06:11 pm]
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Who: Marietta Edgecombe and Cho Chang
What: Lunch and story time
When: Wednesday, 22 July, lunchtime
Where: Cho's flat
Warnings: Cho will probably swear
Status: Closed, incomplete

Marietta arrived at Cho's flat with a bag of gifts she'd brought for Cho. The bag was larger on the inside than it was on the outside, so she'd have to remember to keep it away from all of Cho's electronics and such. It was going to be brilliant to see Cho in person, but Marietta had to admit to some anxiety. The stories she'd gotten out of Hermione and Cho on the journals were frightening, and worse was the blase way that Hermione told them, as if they were normal. And if what Hermione had described was the simple part, whatever was left, could only be worse.

And it wasn't like Marietta could exactly go back to Galway to get away from it, either.

At least she had Cho. And maybe, once she owled Draco Malfoy the way Hermione had suggested, a lead on a flat. That thought comforted her as she rang Cho's bell.
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Katie and Hermione exchange info [Jul. 22nd, 2009|07:12 pm]
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Who: Katie Bell and Hermione Granger Coraline Brown
What: A long awaited phone call
When: 22 July 2009
Where: Over the air waves

It took longer than she had expected, but Katie finally had a "clean" mobile from which to contact Hermione. She made sure she was far from the cell towers around her flat, in case there were additional taps in her area, and decided to call from one of the busier streets down town. Hands practically shaking, she punched the tiny buttons as she walked through the milling dinner crowds.
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