What Price? - July 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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July 15th, 2009

We all deserve a bit of happiness, right? [Jul. 15th, 2009|04:51 am]


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who: Penny & Percy
when: sunday, 5 July 2009
Where: Percy's flat
what: giving the brother/ex the heads up

awkward? )
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Owl post to Parvati Patil [Jul. 15th, 2009|11:18 am]


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Ms Patil,

I would like to meet at your convenience to discuss recent business arrangements relating to your organisation. I believe the place where we last met will suit our needs admirably. In terms of scheduling, I am at your disposal.

Juliet Orfanos
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Adrian outsources some mayhem [Jul. 15th, 2009|11:40 am]
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Who: Adrian Pucey and Juliet Orfanos
What: Adrian has a problem that Juliet can solve, with extreme prejudice
When: Wednesday afternoon, 15 July
Where: Juliet's study room in the British Museum

it'll be a very bad day for someone. Quite possibly a terminally bad one. )
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[Jul. 15th, 2009|12:40 pm]
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Who: Parvati Patil, Juliet Orfanos
What: Juliet "investigates" what Parvati is doing making deals with Mikhail. Threats or veiled threats are likely leveled.
When: July 15, Afternoon
Where: Die Palazzo, London
Rating: OJ for OMFGJULIET. PG-13 or R for threats and frightening situations. *g*

This time, Parvati was on the balcony. There were no others in the club except for a few men in the bar below. This time, Parvati was dressed less traditionally- the hibab stayed, but her black clothing was not as loose. She'd been on the streets that morning making a deal and it was much easier to move rapidly without all the flowing fabric. She waited calmly, though with a distinctly ominous feeling, for Juliet.
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[Jul. 15th, 2009|12:50 pm]
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Who: Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley
What: Making plans.
When: July 15, lunch time
Where: Percy's home.
Rating: PG

Bill arrived by walking (though he'd Apparated to a nearby location)to Percy's apartment. Luckily, it was raining and Bill had an excuse for drawing his hood closely around his face. Perhaps it was an unnecessary precaution, but he had no doubt that his face and the name "William Wesley" were now known to the government forces who'd attacked them several days ago.

When he knocked, his expression was grim, but he made an effort to compartmentalize his grief and set it aside for all that immediate action would be necessary to keep his family out of danger.
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[Jul. 15th, 2009|01:23 pm]


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[Current Mood |worried]

From: Phillip Hughes <phillip.hughes@jesuit.org.uk>
To: Augustus Pye <imthedoctor@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 13 July 2009
Subject: Temporary Absence

Dr. Pye,

Your patient whom I consulted on may be transferred to the tenth floor ward. I'll pass on more information when I have it.

Also, I will be out of the office for the next week, I should return by 20 July or sometime that week. Should you require me before then, contact the guestmaster at Mount Saint Bernard Abbey in Leicestershire.


Phillip Hughes
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Email [Jul. 15th, 2009|04:33 pm]


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To: clearasmud@gmail.com
From: kshashidhar@gmail.com
Date: July 15, 2009
Subject: drinks?

Hello there Penelope!

No, I've not forgotten you, but work's been a right bastard. How's your schedule then? Up for drinks and/or dinner somewhere more civilised than Walkers?


[It is possible that this may have been written while under the influence of strong muscle relaxants.]
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