What Price? - July 8th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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July 8th, 2009

Some civil servants are just like my loved ones; they work so hard and they try to be strong. [Jul. 8th, 2009|04:43 pm]
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[Current Music |Talking Heads, "Don't Worry About the Government"]

Who: Penelope Clearwater and Krishnan "Shashi" Shashidhar
What: Two government flunkies employees walk into a bar... There is flirting, and the faintest of suspicions is raised.
Where: The downstairs bar at Walkers of Whitehall, London
When: Evening of Friday, July 3 (backdated)
Warnings: Nothing in particular, apart from Shashi's tendency to swear a bit.

"Not one for the government then?" she quipped before dropping her voice a bit lower. "I have it on good authority that not all of them are stuffy dodgers out to steal our money." )
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[Jul. 8th, 2009|05:14 pm]
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[Current Music |"When the War Came" - The Decemberists]

Who: Many Weasleys, The Order, Assorted NPCs
What: A Weasley party on Bill's boat is interrupted by Majd, intent on capturing wizards for live magical experiments. A fight ensues. The coast guard goes after the vessel after an alert from the shore. MI7, attracted by the magical activity on the boat, arrives to capture wizards for live magical experiments. A larger fight ensues.
When: Evening, July 10, 2009 (OOC NOTE: Predated to weekend.)
Where: Bill's showboat.
Rating: R for language and violence.

"Would someone please grab some gingerale for the kids?" Bill called over his shoulder as he squeezed through the narrow kitchen door. In his hands, he carried a bottle of dry bubbly and a few glass flutes. Several more floated behind him, one of many small magical excesses performed by Bill that day as he vented his feelings about using magic without worry. There were no muggles aboard, and they were far enough away from the coast that he was not worried about any disturbances they might cause.

The boat had set off around noon on a impromptu family getaway when Bill found a hole in the ship's busy schedule. The day had been spent lazily with some swimming and low flying broomsticks over the ocean after they'd come into clear waters.

Now they were gathered in the sky lounge on the top deck where the stage and bar were located along with a small dance floor and a few small tables. Bill lowered his offerings onto the bar and glanced out one of the porthole windows. The sea was clear. "Have all the flyers returned?" he asked the room.
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