What Price? - June 14th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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June 14th, 2009

[Jun. 14th, 2009|10:31 am]
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Who: David Somerset and Heather Jones
What: Discussion of the Seeker
Where: the Blackwall, Section C headquarters
When: last Wednesday, June 10 (backdated)
Rating: PG+ for language

The movements down the hall were quiet, as quiet as Heather could make them, her step sombered by the possibility that Somerset had not, in fact, known what she'd been told about Harry. It didn't seem likely. What seemed more likely was that she was about to be dressed down for inappropriate behavior.

...short-sightedness alone wasn't a hanging offence... )
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[Jun. 14th, 2009|11:13 am]
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Who: Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom
What: Discussion, likely about wizarding ideology, personal lives and such
Where: Portree, Skye, Hebrides
When: Sunday, June 14
Rating: TBD - presumably low

It was a bracing day, he thought as he stared down the sun, his rucksack swinging on his back as he walked towards the small village. Neville looked every bit as wild as he'd told Hermione he was - his skin was reddened from the sun, his face marred with the shadow of a day spent unshaven. He came into the village, however, as one that was known - smiles greeted him rather than the fear that might otherwise have accompanied a stranger.

He paused outside the only restaurant in town, blushing as he caught sight of himself in the window. Hermione'd likely not forgive him for showing up like this. He looked no different, however, than many of the men inside, their arms strong from hard work, their hair gnarled like the roots of the trees that they spent days uprooting.
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There's always one reason to feel not good enough... [Jun. 14th, 2009|11:17 am]
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Who: Samrat Amarnath and Hermione Granger
Where: Hermione's flat
When: Saturday, 13 June 2009
What: Kneazles, storytelling, negotiation, concern, and comfort.
Rating: PG

I have chocolate. Catch. )
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Shot in the dark. The damage is done. I take my chances. Hope my aim is true. [Jun. 14th, 2009|02:18 pm]


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[Current Location |Loyola Hall, UK]
[Current Mood |exhausted]

Who: Phillip Hughes & Adrian Pucey
When: Sunday, 7 June 2009 afternoon
Where: Loyola Hall, near Liverpool
What: After a phone call to Gus, Phillip and Adrian talk about medicine, escapism, psychology and priorities.

I'm a firm believer that God helps those who help themselves.  )
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love and marriage... don't always go together like a horse and carriage [Jun. 14th, 2009|03:00 pm]


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[Current Location |moor! ]
[Current Mood |thoughtful]

Who: Penelope Clearwater & Fleur Weasley
When: Saturday, 13 June 2009 , evening
Where: the moors of Yorkshire
What: A little girltalk before the ball gets going. On love, marriage, and children

Then we will hope that there is such a man for you. )
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Anyone who isn't getting bludgered isn't half trying. [Jun. 14th, 2009|03:12 pm]
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Who: Hermione Granger Weasley and Draco Malfoy
When: late Sunday afternoon, 14 June
Where: Draco's cottage
What: Occlumens rule!

Having brought Hermione back to his cottage for another lesson, Draco pulled his wand out of the light jacket he wore and placed it on the table. "I'm glad you came back," he said, walking into the kitchen and pulling out a chilled flagon and two glasses. "For a while I wondered if you'd want to come back for more," he added, handing her a glass. "Pumpkin juice?" he chuckled.
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Past imperfect [Jun. 14th, 2009|08:55 pm]


[Current Mood |contemplative]

Who: Juliet Orfanos, solo RP
What: In which Juliet does some housekeeping at the family home, and in which there are also memories to be dealt with.
Where: Travers Close, Warwickshire
When: Saturday, June 13, 2009
Rating: PG to PG-13 for a moment of familial violence and some gory imagery. Also BL for Bloody Long. (Sorry about that. The whole thing kind of got out of hand.)

Perhaps her time, her family's time, was finished; perhaps the old ways really were attenuated into meaninglessness. The future lay elsewhere; here, at Travers Close, there was only the past. )
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as long as I love you I'm not free. How long must I suffer such abuse [Jun. 14th, 2009|10:22 pm]


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[Current Mood |restless]

Who:Penelope Clearwater and Percy Weasley
When: Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Where: Percy's flat, Lavender Hill
What:Penny admits to feelings she's been hiding. Percy makes her cry. Twice. But in the end, an agreement is reached.

Let me feel your love one more time before I abandon it.  )
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