What Price? - April 27th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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April 27th, 2009

27 April 2009 - Wireless News Broadcast [Apr. 27th, 2009|01:58 pm]


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[Current Location |London]
[Current Mood |working]

Originally broadcast on the morning news hour, 27 April 2009. Rebroadcast throughout the day during news updates.

Today's top story is of vital important to every witch and wizard in Britain. To that effect, we will be rebroadcasting during every news hour for the next few days. You do not need me to remind you just how perilous it can be for our kind in Britain today - we've already had our school, our hospital, and our Ministry attacked. Now, however, it seems that the muggles have gone one step further.

The Wireless has several reports of what we're calling an anti-apparition device by the muggles. This is our warning - do not try to apparate unless you are certain it is safe. Reports indicate that it causes problems with concentration and may lead to a sensation of teeth itching. It is a portable device that is able to me mounted on automobiles. We urge you, if you encounter any of these devices, or suspect you have, to contact us here at the wireless. This is a a way for each of you to help the quality of life for all witches and wizards.

We, as wizards, have lived in secrecy for centuries, we are used to it and are able to thrive in it. Certainly this latest despicable piece of muggle technology will not hinder our existence, only inspire us to the next level of caution.

This is Zach Smith, encouraging you to stay vigilant and stay strong.
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Backstory: Gus, Penny, and Family [Apr. 27th, 2009|07:31 pm]


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[Current Mood |confused]

Who: Augustus Pye, Penelope Clearwater, NPC Miranda Pye, NPC Julius Pye
What: After some hiding of Easter eggs and sibling head-butting, Gus and Penny has a serious conversation over brandy.
When: April 12, 2009 (Easter)
Where: Pye residence

How can rabbits be quiet if all they do is shag? )
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[Apr. 27th, 2009|08:09 pm]
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Warded Owl to Lucius Malfoy )
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