What Price? - April 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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April 28th, 2009

At Daphne's [Apr. 28th, 2009|07:34 am]
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Who: Samrat Amarnath and Hermione Granger
When: Monday 27 April 2009, 3 pm
Where: Daphne's restaurant, Kensington, London
What: The agreed-upon meeting
Rating: Probably PG-13 for Samrat's language

And you know the light is fading all too soon )
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Backstory: Andrew & Nerissa [Apr. 28th, 2009|08:52 am]
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Who: Andrew Kirke & Nerissa Summerby
What: A fight, recognition and a friendship begins
Where: A club in a warehouse in Liverpool
When: February, 2009. Precedes the last vignette between Justin and Andrew.
Rating: R for language
Status: Log; complete

Merlin, now you're making me feel like a big prude )
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Radio Days [Apr. 28th, 2009|09:01 pm]
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Who: Marcus Belby & Zacharias Smith
What: Zach has a proposal for our resident tinkerer
When: Thursday, April 30, 2009
Where: The Marsh Harrier pub in Oxford
Rating: PG (possible language)

Marcus leaned forward in his chair, nursing a beer and watching the students come and go. The pub cat, whose name he had never learned, butted up against one of his boots looking for some attention, and Marcus obliged with a quick ear scritch.
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"We passed upon the stair, we spoke of was and when..." [Apr. 28th, 2009|10:59 pm]
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[Current Music |"The Man who Sold the World" : David Bowie]

Who: Lucius Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, and absolutely OPEN
What: Charlie suggested that Neville use the Wizengamot as an opening gambit to determine where the purists stood. It remains to be seen how this will play out.
Where: a pureblood dining and social club
When: Tuesday, April 28
Rating: TBD but likely no shagging like mad bunnies or anything (Lucius has standards.)

Neville had arrived well before the agreed-upon hour. It was less meant to distract Malfoy and more for the purposes of simple observation - his memory was not strong enough to recall the vagueries of polite wizarding society and time spent away from this circle had been spent with those for whom it had little value. And so he sat, casually studying a menu, his eyes quietly glancing up from time to time to watch how a diner handled a fork, how another patron thanked a waiter, how still another nodded her head politely in tune to a boring conversation.

He had taken as much care as was possible for this meeting, down to the robes that he wore. It was rare that he donned the old-fashioned clothing and he could feel the weight of them against his wrists as he moved, slightly uncomfortable with the sensation of coarse fabric. They were older than the others worn nearby. That, however, was another part of nobility - to take pride in who you were, without pretense. He wondered to himself whether Lucius was as lacking in that quality as others often stated.

Stopping the waiter, he asked for a glass of gillyweed juice. It was the same rich color as a red wine without the dizzying qualities. The request was answered by a discreet smile and he wondered how many before him had made it. With that, he leaned back and waited for the older man to make his appearance, unconsciously fingering the mark on his hand from their last meeting.
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