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August 2nd, 2008

[info]i_shoot in [info]we_babble

Heading North

Well, it's that time of year again for me. My family and I are heading north to go horseback riding for about a week. This means I'll be gone from Sunday, August 3rd to Friday, August 8th. I'll be coming home last on the 8th, but I'll definitely hopefully be back online on the 9th.

There really won't be any way to contact me during this week. I'll have some internet access, but I won't be using it because I'll be spending time with friends and trying to have fun. PMs are going to be a good option beyond email. I'll be checking my email once in a while to see how things are going.

See you all when I get back!

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble

Summaries July 13-26

MM - Violet ends up in The City and Captain Jack Sparrow is there to greet her. And wonder why the hell people are dying.

Jake lands, and Liandra finds herself a little confused.

MM Inara and Xanadu make out find out they're the co-owners of the magic shop.

MM Jack Napier is the first to go.

MM Dexter wonders if there's somebody out there to hunt.


MM Poor Jeannie, she never saw it coming.

MM Lorne meets a friendly, familiar face. He and Fred discuss skin colors.

MM Somebody killed the cat!.

MM Violet tries to solve the killer mystery, a Wilson stumbles upon her.

MM Simon decides to find out if Hannibal is the murderer.

MM And Jo is down!

MM They're dropping like flies, And the pirate goes next

Bruce Banner tries to explain The City to Indiana Jones.

MM Alice and Violet meet and discuss dumpster diving.

MM Bruce and Tim have an awkward reunion. Awkward might be putting it nicely.

MM Aeon thinks it's Dexter. Dexter thinks it's Aeon. They decide it's neither of them.

MM River has a little something to say about they way Simon treated Hannibal.

MM Poor little Alice. Bye bye.

MM Where you can ask The Murderer questions.

Kaylee enters atmo. Mal is there to rescue her.

MM George is annoyed at all the dead people.

MM Anita goes down!

MM Dexter and Aeon are taken care of before they can figure anything out

MM Jack H goes to get drunk. Wes joins him.

Horrible and Ace show up at the same time.

MM Karen leaves life with as many complaints as she can manage.

MM Jennifer gets help on her very first case from Zoe. They don't make much progress.

Tony and Pepper arrive together. Sort of.

MM And the green guy goes.

MM Tim and Lee play superhero together on a rooftop.

MM Bye, little slayer

MM Jesse laments his inability to help, Selina and Venkman mourn.

MM Angela's turn