Posts Tagged: 'priya'

May. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Calista and Priya
Where: The forest around Kingswood
When: Morning

Calista didn't often take time just for herself. )

May. 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Gia and Priya
When: Afternoon
Where: Kingswood Markets

She had an idea. )

Apr. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Priya and Iliana, Reyne and Nevina
Where: The mansion of a well-to-do merchant who is also a minion
When: After lunch time

Come to me my pretties )

Apr. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Priya and Calista
Where: The streets of Arcadie
When: Around midday maybe?

He provides )