Posts Tagged: '%23day+002/02+may'

Apr. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Catríona and Siobhán
Where: Elkwood Castle
When: Evening (feast-time)

I was wondering when I might see you, Lady Siobhán. )



[No Subject]

Who: Liona and Iliana
When: Evening, during the feast
Where: Elkwood Castle

bring on the wine )

Apr. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Locan and Various NPCs (Narrative)
When: Very late morning
Where: The Silverling Estate
OOC Note: Rupert is The Last Emperor-era Peter O'Toole. Because reasons.

Draconic shenanigans, sassy stewards, royal high art, and one poor servant girl with a divine purpose. )



[No Subject]

Who: Aria (+NPC Divine Mother Althea)
When: Late morning
Where: Traveling through Halvoren

Are you nervous? )

Apr. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Nevina and Reyne
When: Midday
Where: Reyne's room

Keeper take me, some of the pious fools in this castle make me want to throw myself off the ramparts. )



[No Subject]

Who: Jarey and Liona
When: Midday
Where: Watching the training grounds

He would never be a knight. )

Apr. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Catríona and Freja
Where: Elkwood Castle
When: Afternoon

It looks as though castle life agrees with you. )



[No Subject]

Who: Daemyn and Megaeris
Where: In those markets
When: Later afternoon

Though I imagine most anything would look good on you. )



[No Subject]

Who: Pyrrha and Rhiannon
When: Late afternoon
Where: The Drunken Rooster

relaxed and drunk )

Apr. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Alcott & Rona
When: Afternoon
Where: Training yards, Elkwood

Alcott handed his helmet to another squire. )



[No Subject]

Who: Cerys & Calista
When: Early afternoon
Where: Kingswood marketplace

Praise the Creator... )

Apr. 14th, 2017




2nd of May, in the year 1500 A.V.

w e a t h e r: Temperatures raising into the low 70s with clear, sunny skies.

e v e n t s: There is still a steady stream of nobility arriving in Kingswood, and the Mouth of the Creator is expected to arrive within the next two days. Preparations are underway for the tourney to be held in two days, and there's another feast tonight in the great hall.

All druids, once again, have the dream that visited them last night. The dream is exactly the same, and even more vivid than before.

a n s w e r e d   p r a y e r s: The Watchers have responded, and today, four things have been willed into being. Of course, all of these things may be written off as mere coincidence.

  • Reyne simply won't be allowed to use the dresses for kindling. Or anything else, for that matter. Fires will not start in her presence; what's more, fires near her will actually go out.

  • The servant girl that troubled Locan yesterday is struck with an over-the-top sense of pride in her work, and she wants nothing more than to make sure the Lord Silverling is well taken care of. She'll follow him around all day in attempt to anticipate his needs. Often incorrectly, and with terrible timing.

  • All day Rona will find herself strangely drawn and attracted to Alcott.

  • Daphisio wakes up to the news that his eldest daughter was unfortunately sick all over one of the lords she had been up talking and drinking with the previous night. Looks as though his strength will be tested.

    Prayer SubmissionsWatcher's Responses