War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


July 26th, 2012

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I do not appreciate being lied to.

If hell is to be my punishment for my crimes then tell me so and do not trick me with visions of...

Someone tell me what is going on here or on what remains of my soul I will burn this place to the ground to prove the deception.

[OOC: So, sooomeone just saw Marian wandering the halls cause Viki and I are jerks and put them on the same floor. :) He is not dealing with this well, for Guy this means threats of burning things. No rly, ask Marian.]

July 24th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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Is this supposed to be some kind of Cat and Mouse game? You kidnap me and then drop me down in Kansas because a sixteen year old girl in unfamiliar territory is easier to kill or something?

Nobody's answering

If you hurt any of them I'll rip your throat out with my teeth
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