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War Is Coming Communications.



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March 24th, 2015

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So, in two sentences or less, what do I need to kill a vampire? Blades are enough?

March 19th, 2015

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We now have enough icers for each of you to carry them on your patrols and I'm pretty sure they've got enough punch to take down these vampires that are running around. They're a good idea, anyway, since you never know what might came through the seal. If you don't have experience firing a gun, get with me or the Winchesters and we'll set you up with some target practice.

Comments, questions? Hit me up. Otherwise, we can always use more people on patrols, so if you know someone who's interested, send 'em my way.

March 18th, 2015

[Filtered against all known threats]

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Sorry its taken me so long to get this sorted but I've been distracted ensuring all the wards on the shop are up to the job of keeping things out, it wouldn't have been sensible to set up a base of operations without beefing up the wards, not to mention this infernal machine hates me and I have no idea what happened to all my messages.

If anyone needs any help on patrol, or if people want me to start coordinating patrols again then sign up here, I know my usual teams have been out keeping up their patrols has anyone else taken up coordinating things while I've been busy.

Buffy, Faith if you can check in when you have a few minutes spare and give me the low down it would be appreciated.

Filtered Against Dmitri

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I would like nothing more than to actually be able to abide by my doctor's advice to rest. But thanks to you all I don't foresee that happening. Arguing over the situation is going to solve nothing.

So, here is what is going to happen. Tonight we are going to have a meeting. Everyone that would like to solve our current vampire problem is expected to attend. You will all receive the location of the meeting by sundown. Yes, sundown, and not a moment sooner.

We will discuss the options available to us and put together a few plans. But I have one piece of advice. If you're only aim is to attend this meeting and cause trouble remember who you're dealing with. And do keep in mind that I am a month away from my due date and even more volatile than usual.

Miss Swan meet me in front of my bakery. You're about to receive a lesson in locator spells.

March 17th, 2015

No evil

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Lot of great things today. A few parties, a parade, bars with green drinks. But.. where are my shoes?? My shoes. I had them last night but they're gone now. Damn! Great, either we have a thief or it's someone's idea of a joke I know I didn't misplace them, I don't do that. Looked all over the damn place. Nothing.

Hey, those going to the party Allison is hosting. Any objections to showing up in socks or sandals? Seems my boots are gone too. Anyone else missing things? Whoever did this, can you return mine to me? Not a good day for it, I had plans I will pay you. A lot.

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Earth is so weird

So, leprechauns? You know, I read about them when I was on the ark, but this is not exactly how I pictured them.

March 15th, 2015

No evil [includes bad vampires from VA]

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Managed to get enough food shopping down before five today. Also got some supplies for St. Patrick's event celebrations too. But I'd like to ask a favor. There's a building that isn't warded. I'd done everything else to it; salt lines, iron, devil traps by entrances and windows (and other sections in property). All it needs is some magical wards and protections. Location is here [address]. You would see the sign on the place saying Thorn Industries

It's not something I need now, given this crisis, and it's not open for business yet. But probably soon. Least before the start of April, plenty of time to be done with warding it before then. So, whenever there is free time for that, it's alight by me. I also have unlimited funds so if anyone might need to borrow some or need some protection supplies, let me know and I'll see what I can do. My name is Damien, for anyone I hadn't met yet.

[Filtered to Rupert Giles]
Sir? I need to make a request on another matter as well. The patrol schedules. I have a couple routes and shifts taking place after sundown. Could I be temporary placed on the daytime hours instead? I can switch with a daytime patrol person. There's this vampire who is dangerous til he is found and cured by his people.. and I'm not really as strong as, well, Superman, an Original, or a Slayer if this man were to come across me.

And I look like one of their people too and I'd prefer avoiding confrontations. Of course if they ask if I can be a decoy in a specific scenario, I might try to help. But as it is now, I'd be better suited to day patrols and having the strong and better equipped patrolees handle the night walking instead. Just til this is over and resolved, though.

March 9th, 2015

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[Filtered against the VA World]
I understand that some of you may be alarmed by Rose's panic-inducing post last night. Here is the current situation:

An individual from our world has arrived, by the name of Dimitri Belikov. He was formerly a dhampir, like Rose, but was made into a Strigoi. For those who don't know what that is, it is a wholly evil, soulless vampire. He cannot go out in the daylight, has red eyes and a corpse-like pallor, and is extremely strong and fast. He is allergic to silver and cannot walk on holy ground. Should he bite you, his saliva causes an immediate euphoric response.

It has recently been discovered in our world that there is a way to revert a Strigoi to their original form, via being staked by a Spirit-wielder with a special charmed silver stake, thus it is imperative that we attempt this as soon as possible. Until he is apprehended, it is very important to try not to go out after sundown and do not attempt to confront him yourself. It is possible that magic and those with enhanced strength may be able to subdue and/or capture him, and I fully support this so long as you do not attempt it on your own so that we don't risk one of you becoming a Strigoi and increasing the threat at hand.

If anyone has any other questions, information, or leads please let me know here.

March 8th, 2015

No evil and no Dimitri

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(Backdated to just after sunrise. Maxi, assume Rose has been to see Lissa before this post)

We've got a situation. It's really, really important for you don't go out after dark. Stay inside buildings that are warded. If your place doesn't have wards, get someone to fix that today, before it gets dark. As long as you stay in, you'll be safe.

( Friendly Vampires + Hunters + Other Fighters )
We've got a less than friendly vampire running around. We need to capture him, not kill him. What he is right now isn't his fault and we can fix it. Well, Lissa and Adrian can. Liss had done it before. Don't kill him unless there's no choice. You do and we're going to have a problem. Wooden stakes won't kill him, but they'll knock him out for, oh, about a minute. He's strong and he's fast. Best thing would be for most everyone to stay in the charmed and sacred areas where he can't go until this is over, but I figure we should set up some patrols to be safe, because I know some idiots won't take that advice.

He can't go out in sunlight, so we should be safe until tonight.

( VA World and Close Friends )
It's Dimitri. Fucking seal brought him here, but it brought him as a Strigoi. I need you guys to be especially careful. He'll go after the people I love just to get to me.

March 5th, 2015

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Sorry, brother. Had to be done.

In other news, I make an incredibly sexy pirate. Argh! Me hearties.

Anyone else wake up to find themselves with paintball guns and dressed like a pirate. Or a Ninja apparently, in my brothers case? Or is it just our house?

[Filtered to Elena]

Want to come shiver me timbers?

March 4th, 2015

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So the St. Patrick's Day dance is going to be on the 14th at the Youth Center from 6 to probably 8:30. It's open to the entire town so keep that in mind. Everyone is asked to bring three nonperishable food items to be donated to the local food bank as price of admission, but if you can't it's not a big deal. There's going to be food and a live band, and everyone is encouraged to come, and no, you don't have to wear green unless you want to. If you want to help decorate, be at the Center at noon that day.


Think you might be free this afternoon to talk about doing some magic for the kids? I'm not sure how I want to work it yet so any input you have would help. Plus I'd like to hear any ideas you might have for decorations.


If you go I'd like to have at least one dance, no matter how busy I end up being.

March 1st, 2015

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Greetings, Lawrence! For those of you I haven't met already, I'm Allison Argent. I live over in Graeves House with my best friend Lydia and we have decided to throw a party on St. Patrick's day. Everyone's invited, but please let me know if you're coming so we can get an idea of how much food and stuff we need to have on hand.

( Lydia and Lissa )
I found out who my secret admirer was.

February 27th, 2015

No known threats or kids

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Well, that was an interesting week. I can't really explain. Just that it was unusual and involving personal stuff. I'm probably not the only one. Or maybe I am, I don't know. I hadn't felt like that since Prue Didn't think I would ever have that type of feeling again Still don't know who that weird hugging man is or what his deal was. Did anyone else also feel like th

Any updates on the Lawrence rugaru situation? Has it been taken out yet? If it is still at large, I'd like to work together in tracking it down. I've been keeping my eyes open but haven't seen anything of note yet, but still looking around. I know fire kills it and have a few things in that category to use. I don't suppose we can just trap it in a condemned building and light it all up Okay so it worked once on alien bugs and I know we can't always do that, even if it's so much fun to blow monsters up Anything I can do to help, I'm there. I can supply a few weapons and hunting supplies too. Also if anyone might want a sparring partner for combat practice, I could do that too. My name is Damien Thorn.

ETA: Rugaru threat has been handled. But if anyone wants to spar or do a gym workout thing, or needs more weapons (still have more silver arrows), let me know and we'll arrange a time for it.


So, umm.. hi. I'm Damien. But you probably know that from the above post. I live in Greaves House, friend of Kirk, I patrol sometimes, and I have a non-relative twin named Christian. So I'm just going to, as they say. Fess up. The bow, the really badass one with a scope, the silver arrows, and card. That was me. I'm still trying to figure out why, but I suppose it's another Lawrence mystery.

I understand if this was awkward, since we never spoke before and you don't know me aside from being the neighbor guy in the other building. Or from the survival classes, I'm in a lot of those. And I hadn't given gifts to anyone I didn't know, it's usually to friends, or to.. to Prue, when she was here. It's cool if you want to keep the stuff though. They can still be useful to you for defense or practice, or in case we get attacked in a big fight again.

February 25th, 2015

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With Lois gone the Youth Center is completely my responsibility now, and I've come to realize exactly why Rose hired me as manager. I can't do it on my own. I'm going to run myself into the ground doing that and running Greaves House. So is there anyone looking for a job at the moment who is interested in helping me out? I'll do the bulk of the work because I can do it efficiently, but there's enough to give someone about 30 - 35 hours a week. More if you feel like handling the backpack program, because there's a food run, sorting and handing out involved in that, and we're giving them out to about 200 kids a week. It's an actual paid job, and the salary isn't bad. But on the off chance something happens and I get yanked back home I want to make sure nothing happens to the Youth Center.

ETA: Is there anyone into science and mathematics that would like a paid part time position helping the kids interested in that stuff stay interested in it? Chances are you would also help with homework but this is something I want to encourage.


So. If I were to ask you out on a proper date, where I pick you up and take you out to dinner and then take you home again, would that be something you might say yes to?

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Has anyone seen Spike?

He didn't meet me, and II can't find him.

February 23rd, 2015

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I really wish I could say that ending up in another world is the strangest thing to happen to me in a while, but it's not.

So can anyone fill me in? Who's the big bad? What do we do to get back home?

February 17th, 2015

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So I know Rose isn't here, and a lot of the events that the Center did were things she started and I'm going to make sure they continue. But I thought it might be neat to do new stuff, too. So I was thinking we could do something at the Center for St. Patrick's Day. I was considering a dance or party of some sort or a potluck, open to everyone in town. Get the kids at the Center to help decorate and have live music maybe. If either of those sound interesting I could use some help planning it. But is there interest among all of us?

February 16th, 2015

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I guess I have a secret admirer. Thanks, whoever you are.

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Left at the apartment door of Allison Argent

- expensive, state of the art, strong but nimble bow [with scope attachment]
- couple quivers of arrows [silver arrowheads]
- envelope with $500 gift card inside

There is an anonymous note addressed to her that reads:

From an admirer, giving you well wishes and hopes that this gift will serve as adequate protection in this place. May your days be filled with victory, contentment, and joy.

February 13th, 2015

No evil

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Hey, I got some arrows. At least five quivers full. So altogether about 60-85 arrows. And even better? They're all silver tipped. Took a day to get that but worth it Figured it'd be good for hunts since silver is a common weakness of monsters. And good for regular defense too outside of hunting. So any archers, if you want them? Say the word and I'll give them over asap, all free for whoever may want it. Maybe Daryl, or Allison, yeah she could use more sets or arrows I could always get more too. I admit I had practiced with some before getting the quivers together.

[Friends and allies]
There's someone that I can't stop thinking about. It's a girl who excels at kicking ass with bows and arrows. And knives. And maybe swords. She looks nice too, of course, but there is more to people than just looks. It does help but it takes more to be memorable and everlasting in the minds of their peers and But the fighting skill and tenacity, can't help but be impressed at that too. It's strange. I never spoke to her before but I'm thinking of her a lot lately.
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