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War Is Coming Communications.



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February 11th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Katherine, Moriarity & Shannon

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If anyone has any leads on a job, I could use some work. I'm really good with business, but my passion lies with helping people or causes. I guess that's why I'm here, huh? I'm a trained lifeguard, so I'm certified is that helps at all. Any leads are appreciated.

I know a couple of you are doing classes on Latin and all that stuff. I'd like to sign up.

January 29th, 2012

Filtered to Boone

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I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you still mad or...did something bad happen t? I'm starting to think that if this really is real...you were right; I'm in over my head... And if you tell anyone I said that

January 14th, 2012

Filtered or whatever

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Is there anything worth doing in this shitspl podun place?

[Anyone with medical or nutritionist backgrounds since apparently the doctor is too busy t]

Think anyone would be willing to help put me on a nutritional plan for the next few weeks, you know, out of the goodness of their hearts or whatever will make you tree-hugging idiots? I'm pretty sure that even though I'm finally able to keep "real" food down, I'm missing out on some serious nutrients but then I don't know really anything about all that, so I could use some guidance.

January 12th, 2012

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Is this what death is like? I was expecting something a little... different.

September 1st, 2011

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I hate when you have a bad dream, and then all day long you just feel...weird.

August 31st, 2011

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It took me awhile to figure out what's going on here. The computer definitely helped and reading about all of the other confused people.

So, hi. My name is Boone. I'm stuck here too.
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