War Is Coming Communications.

May 26th, 2015

May 26th, 2015

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The seal took Bo. The seal sucks.

I need to get wasted.

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I'm doing a summer history class. I might be completely insane, but apparently they'll let me do that without doing more. And I figure it can't hurt to know more about where I am. If I like it maybe I'll do more. It'll be this weird 'normal' life thing.

[Filter: Thea]
So, there seems to be a lot of sunshine and warmer days recently.

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Hey you. What are you doing?

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I can't fucking win, can I? I can't actually have a chance at being happy with someone, can I?

I'm going out of town for a while. Road trip. Don't know when I'll be back.


I'll make it a point to be back before the summer stuff really kicks into gear at the Center, but I think you can handle stuff right now. I just need to get the hell out of Lawrence for a while. Ginny got taken back and I'm not going to handle that well if I'm here.


Hey, when you get done with the hunting gig, message me or text me. I'm going out with my bike and I'm going to see how far I can go before I stop hating the Seal. I probably won't be in Kansas whenever you're done.

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You know, the only good thing to come out of that angel jerk's twisted fun is that apparently photography was something my character was into, and it seemed kind of cool. I figured I'd try my hand at some of it here, and I got these shots last night.

Cut, not filtered )

I think maybe I could make a real hobby out of this.

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Right. Now things are back to a semblence of normal. I'm dragging my brother to Vegas. Don't get into any trouble while we're gone.


That means you, Mrs Salvatore.


Ready to leave, brother?

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I think the seal's taken Olive and Willow as well.
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