War Is Coming Communications.

January 22nd, 2015

January 22nd, 2015

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I'm not sure who all here knew her but - Jill's gone. Fucking seal

[Lissa and Rose]

I hate that fucking seal right now.

No evil

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I think I might go skydiving again. It can be dangerous, but not so much when you know how, and take precautions to be ready for each step of it. And when you do.. well, hard to describe other than to say it's fun and exhilarating. Nothing like jumping out a plane from some thousand feet with a chute to make you feel alive And awesome. Of course.

I've been pondering vacation ideas for later, sometime in a couple weeks. Russia is most certainly an option, or Paris. But the top of my list? Rome. Interesting history in that place, particular that of the ancient Roman Empire. And some nice sights to see there. Plus, I was born there too. But unfortunately that is all I remember about it. So if anyone has been there before, or lived there, or studied it in books.. I'm open to suggestions of all the good places to go in that city.

filtered against evil

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Got a number of hunts available.

1. Washington:
2. Maine: Jack and Enjolras
3. Florida: Damon and Alaric
4. Alaska: Katniss and me

Same rules apply. Gotta have a partner. If you ain't done one before you gotta go with someone who has. I reserve the right to say no cause I feel like it. Can't be a kid.

[ooc: I am off to work so Bobby will reply back later but feel free to try and figure out partners, etc, in the post]

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[Finnick, Johanna, Elena, Florence, P P Peet P Peeta Peeta]
I'll be going on a hunt soon. For monsters, not game. I don't know when or where yet, but when I do I'll let you know.

ETA: Bobby and I are going to Alaska Saturday.

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I think Ares is sick. Does anyone know a good vet who can tell me what I need to do?

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Comic book stores. Any good ones around here people frequent?
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