War Is Coming Communications.

August 24th, 2014

August 24th, 2014

Angel Grove Filter

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I may or may not have just signed up for a gymnastics meet. If I suddenly am super talented, let's prove it! Besides, new life motto... WWKD-what would Kimberly do!

I am SO doing better than bronze this time.

Tortuga Filter

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So, apparently I'm a tavern owner now? You guys should come to [tavern name] and keep me company.

Hogwarts Filter

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Madame Pomfrey is SO nice! I fell in the hallway and she patched me up and told me no flying for a week, but she winked, so I'm pretty sure she didn't mean it.

She's brilliant, can we take her back home with us? She might be a doctor even Robin wouldn't glare at.

Lawrence Filter

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I'm missing her so much already
Not much left for this thing to take from me

I've spent the last few days going around, checking for people I know. Then I went through and tried to make excuses for everyone I could think of who's missing work or school. I think I got everyone but if you know someone who may need some documentation or a doctor's note or something, just ask. We have enough people left we should be able to manage.

I just hope wherever they are, that they're safe and they're together. She's just a baby
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