War Is Coming Communications.

July 20th, 2014

July 20th, 2014


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I'm not sure exactly when, we're working out the final details still, but Elijah and I are going to go on a trip soon. If anyone wants something touristy from France, let me know?

[House of Lust]
I'm pretty sure given my absence, you may have guessed but...I think I'm moving in with Elijah. Things exploded with the family and...it's basically a completely sealed deal that none of the other siblings are gonna be moving back in, so... yeah. Heads up?

Also, Regina, when we figure out the leaving thing...would you mind watching the furballs and checking on the horses?

Want to help me move some of my stuff from Gaia Regina's?

No evil or evil heaven

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Soooo....I'm grounded? For, like, the first time in a year and a half. I mean, it's a light grounding AND IN NO WAY AM I COMPLAINING, MOM...but it's just...weird.

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do i want to do baseball or soccer?

i have to fill this out for school

because next year my grade level apparently does team sports.

what if i wanted to do tennis? it's kind of...teamish.

Filtered to Loki

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Hey. We've never met, but my name is Stiles Stilinski. It's my understanding that the Magic Center belongs to you?

Screw Evil

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It's official. My one and a half year-old is more coordinated on ice skates than I am.

I did not fare so well. Maybe she'll do Olympic figure skating as an adult and make up for her mother's lack of grace.

Also, you know you're living the fairytale life when you see your baby smooshed into a wolf's fur and don't even get anxious. He's actually more gentle with her than Knightley is.

[ooc: there was a cute picture but it was ginormous and now it is gone]

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Found Python, only an hour or so behind.

Brits you know how this goes. At mine, twenty minutes. Bring beer.

Texts to Elena

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>> Hey, baby.
>> I miss you How are things in Lawrence?

[Texts to Kol]

>> You doing alright, buddy?
>> Do you want to go for a drink when I get back?

[Texts to Klaus]

>> How's Little Mikaelson doing?
>> And, you how are you doing?  I know how hard

No Evil and stuff, like

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It's rude, but I can't stop laughing.  I don't understand.

And tehre was a dead parrot and the man didn't want to take it back in reh shop.

I sdo like this song though.

Everything is all shiny and full of colours!

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Thank you, Dr. Tam. I feel much better now.

And thank you Stiles for the dragon. I like him a lot.

Thank you for the herbs, Ms. Ruby. We did not need to use them but it was a kind thought.

Also, Ms. Belle, thank you for the books. They were very entertaining.

I watched some television for a bit while sick but I do not think I like it. There was a lot of fighting on the television. I prefer books that allow me to use my imagination.
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