War Is Coming Communications.

June 3rd, 2014

War Is Coming Communications.


June 3rd, 2014

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((OOC: The other night when John came over for dinner, Mary pretty much made him take leftovers home with him. (No more takeaways!) When he opens the bag, this image is in there for him. The intent being, she hopes he opens it at work!))

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It's good to see so many of you willing to feed the homeless, help them with the basics. Its desperately needed in this country.  But there's a step or two after that. Helping them get lives back, those that need help with addictions, those that have lost jobs and fallen down on their luck, those that were tricked and lost everything. No two stories are the same.

Its something I'd like to help with, where I can. We have the money to do it, all of us, and we could make such a difference. Think about it, you set someone up to do this kind of thing in another town. We can make Lawrence a better place but what about other cities. And I know we can't take on the world. I do. But we could start something amazing

There's no feeling like being cold, alone, afraid for those you love, knowing there's no way out, because anywhere you look its just more hurt and there isn't always a way out.


How are you little brother? Settling, I know its a very odd place sometimes. And being in this inn, is it...upsetting you?

No Rebekah or Stefan

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I do not know what to get my sister for her wedding.

I do not understand weddings anymore.

This time is very strange.
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