War Is Coming Communications.

January 9th, 2014

January 9th, 2014

no evil

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ive made a new bow. but now what?

you okay?

you should cook more.


No remaining Lucifer Loyalists

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I have a Sage growth that I don't mind at all. Even if I'm afraid I'll wake up one day and she'll be gone and back in Hell or with the Alchemists for reeducation

Filtered from Lucifer loyalists

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So I'm lame enough to approve of school. 

But I don't exist and all, so like, how can we make this happen? Can I exist so I can enroll? 

... do I need, like, a guardian?

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He should know the point of motorbikes.


I have some questions.

Can I ask you?

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Welp. Lost my job and can't even say I care all that much. Oops. It was fun being money Buffy for a while though.

Filtered to friends of Rose Tyler

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Has she spoken to any of you yet?

I know its been but a few days, I'm still worried about her.


I've been giving you space love, but even a word to tell me you're still with us?

I've missed you

Filtered against evil bitches.

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So which of you gun experts can train me up on how to make the shooty end actually hit the shooty thing?

(Filtered to Rebekah's peeps)
How do we get her to crank up the emotional dial again?

I mean, okay. I get it. If I had taken an unexpected vacation down to Lucifer's place, I'd be in a big hurry to not deal with whatever shit went down during my away time, too. But this isn't good, is it? That's not really her, right?

(Filtered to Bo)
Heya, Bo-Bo. Doing okay?

No Evil, No Former Hellbounds,No Under 12s

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Ok, I'm totally at a loss at what to do and I'm pretty sure Edward will agree. She posted the current state of the manor a few nights ago and we have a new wrinkle, Parker finally came back late last night.

So how do we help them with the whole we're just a lie thing among other things? I also am pretty sure she's not been eating so what would be the best to offer?

But in slightly happier news according to Ed she's somehow gotten Endeavour to trust her, she may be the only one he does trust at the moment. So I think we can call this a big screw you to Satan. Love has been proven to be louder.

Because I'll take any victory we can get right now.

Andy: Ed and I are holding up, just call me later?


I know from experience the whole needing space thing so I'll respect it for now. But Ed and I are not going anywhere. I'll also give you a bit of proof I'm actually me: during the pre battle round of nightmares we talked old movies over tea of all things, still have that list of the ones from the 70s. You also suggested self defense classes if I do go back to college this spring, a way of getting my power back.

For now I'll be happy with knowing you're at the manor or someplace safe. Ed and I are going to call out for pizza if you want some too.

Parker's back too. She showed up last night.

No evil

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Well I think the nursery's finally done and ready. One more month. I can't wait.

Are you as ready as I am to meet our son?

no evil

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I know I'm a little late on this, but is there anything we're currently doing as a community? I want to help somehow.

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So on top of being the kid of two of the most badass, awesome wizards OF ALL TIME...

I'm also Indiana Jones' kid!

Frankly, it's a good day to have this face.
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