War Is Coming Communications.

May 27th, 2013

May 27th, 2013

Peter V.

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Are you oka
What can I
Hey... you need anything? Just let me know, okay?

You okay? Given everything...

[Myka & H.G.]
It never gets easier, does it? Losing people. Watching people crumble everytime the Seal gets a ridiculous whim? I can't
This isn't fau
He doesn't deserv
Why can't we stop it

I hate the Seal. I hate it so much. And I don't know what I'd do if I lost you
I can't even

Friends Filter

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Just to give all of you fair warning in the event you come over, we have a kitten in residence. I adopted it for Emily and gave it to her for her birthday. The kitten's name is Shelley, and before anyone asks, she is named after the author Mary Shelley. If I am to suffer live with a cat, she deserves a name that is better than Dickens good name. She seems to be settling well, and Emily adores her, which is the most important part. Why couldn't Emily love dogs? I would rather have a dog

Cut for a picture of the kitten )

No evil

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Everybody seems so sad that people have gone home. But isn't it better that they're where they're supposed to be?

No evil

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Apparently other-me liked steak. And hamburger. And put both of those things in my fridge, raw. There's bloo Which is great, since now it's been like two weeks or whatever, and it's probably going to get up and walk out of there if I open it.

I really don't want to
Can someone just
I hate everythi

I will absolutely pay someone to come clean out my fridge.
Edit: John is great. Everyone else, stay tuned for the next edition of 'Kat wants to pay her way out of housework but won't hire a maid'!

Also does anyone want guns? I have like four of them. Maybe more, I keep finding them in random places, and Probably shouldn't just give random people guns, Kat. Come on.


I may or may not really be getting cranky at my brain right now.


You've been pretty awesome, lately. Normally this is where I'd ask if you had anywhere you wanted to go, as a 'thanks for putting up with me' trip, but apparently I can't do that right now, so. I don't know how normal people do the thanks thing other than just saying it. So, thanks?

No evil

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Did you know that if you have decent grades that you are unable to go to summer school? I wish to learn more and they won't let me. It's preposterous!

Therefore, I figured we should create an actual schedule for any of my magic lessons as well as perhaps schedule some excursions that all displaced children can go to as well. Egypt was quite enlightening and I think everyone would benefit from day trips away from Lawrence once in awhile.

I was thinking we could hit places of great historic value. It could be fun and educational.

Also, I regret to inform everyone that Teddy has left. It seems almost fitting considering Tonks is also gone, but at least they got to see one another while they were here.


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Two weeks.

No evil

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I'd like to go on record right now that if any pictures surface of me in plaid because of this vacation that I lost the bet and its the only reason I am wearing these damn shirts.

Also, note for future reference, when you challenge Kryptonians to a hold your breath contest in the water, you've had too much sun.

And I remembered that I bought plants before we left...and they probably need to be watered. Can someone water my plants?!

[Peter V]
I'm so
I don't
I can't imagi

I don't know if you know or not, but Stephanie is gone. I'm gonna give her a bit just in case the Seal sends her back through, but if not, do you want any of her things? I'm gonna take in Epic, but I'm pretty sure there's some photos and stuff of you guys in her place. I'll go through it all when I'm back in Lawrence and put together anything you might want but figured you're probably not up for it righ

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[Filtered to Dr. Claire Callahan]
Mind if I ask you a few questions?

Peter V

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You okay?

Filtered Against Evil

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...omg I'm adorable! ;D Or should I say adorkable?

Abby, can we get one of these toasters? Pleeeease?

I love being fictional.
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