War Is Coming Communications.

May 17th, 2013

May 17th, 2013

Serenity Crew

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Tall Card. Saturday my place.

Filtered from Evil

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So two weeks with my father in a world without the only friends I think I've ever had.

And 'Parnasse sniffing around me like a dog.

I do not miss that life.

Also its entirely possible other Eponine drank half of the bar

Enjolras. ...We have restocking to do


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I'm sorry for how I've been treating you

Ginger, Charley, Amy and Peter V

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Just so you guys know, David knows about the complex.

I put him up in a hotel but I don't know if he'll stay there or go to the complex, but I know you guys are probably wary as hell and wanted to let you know.

no evil

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All the problems that Gotham had, it's probably wrong to miss it. But I do. A week and a half with Alfred wasn't enough. Things are pretty good here, but I miss him.

Filtered from Evil

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So from what I can work out other me was basically a cross between my mothers various boyfriends. 

Interesting to know.


Screw the title, I'll win it with you pregnant if it comes to it.

We try. Pretty much from tonight if you're good with that. I've held back something you deserved from you for too damn long


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This makes it better? You sick fuck
For all you preach on family you

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[Ben Parker]
'Sup, Kid? You've been quiet.

Good to have you back, btdubs.

no evil

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I still hate the forest. Somehow the treehouse didn't bother me this time though. But don't count on that meaning I suddenly want to climb all the trees in the bloody place. Think I'll go back to keeping my feet on the ground though now assuming the ground is okay now. and not full of

Filtered against evil

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I have a question about the vampires who attacked the complex. Can they be taught not to kill? Can they somehow live a somewhat normal life?

Are we trying to help those people who's lives were forever altered because we failed to stop the evil that changed them or are we simply killing them? And is that necessarily fair when they had no say in what they have become?

Roof boys

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I am in the park.

If anyone wishes to join me there are many cats to be fed.

Charley, Peter V., Ginger

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Movie night at my place? I had a night out planned, but decided to scrap that idea. I've got everything over here. Popcorn, movies... You get the idea.

I understand that you're giving him a fair chance, but please don't do anything too risky. As an example, inviting him into your place...? No such thing as too safe, right?

filtered against evil

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I don't suppose anyone has a used guitar they wanted to get rid of? I figured I'd ask around these boards before searching elsewhere.

No evil

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I don't know why I didn't think of offering this before now, but...I sort of have this thing I can do where I can absorb pain from other people, which seems like it could be pretty useful around here, if this is how things tend to go... I can't take all of it away, but I can lessen it. So, yeah, just a thing for people to keep in mind.

[Beacon Hills filter]
Are you guys okay?

You okay?

No evil or Originals whatever that even means

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So, I've tried getting in contact with my wife and my boss. Safe to say it didn't work. I'm probably going to be fired by the time I get back. And possibly served divorce papers.

You said to contact you in a couple of days about something more permanant.
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