War Is Coming Communications.

August 5th, 2012

War Is Coming Communications.


August 5th, 2012

Filtered to Force users

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I am certain you all are aware that Allana's Force presence has changed. It seems that she's at Mr. Dark's carnival. We need a plan to get her out and get her back to herself.

Jacen, just try not to Fall again. We'll get her back, I promise
I don't know if I can handle sensing you going Dark again

[Added filter to Dick]

I do not know if we have spoken before, but I am Mara Jade Skywalker and my great-niece Allana seems to be trapped in Mr. Dark's carnival and you are heading the team of people trying to bring this man down. What intel do you have and do you need any further assistance? I refuse to leave Allana sitting there for longer than necessary especially when it seems she's suddenly eight years old.

Filtered against Evil Thingies and Mr. Dark

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Jesus, I'm beat. This hunters camp is a bit more extreme than I was thinking it was gonna be. and I haven't been insulted so often in such a short space of time in forever. It's kind of making me miss Perry, for some strange fucked up reason.

[Kim, Kaine, Molly, and Lancelot]
So I get back on, umm... this Thursday. I was thinking we all ought to get together, and you know, hang out, while it's still kinda quiet around Lawrence. Sooo, I was thinking possibly, drinks, dinner, maybe see a movie or something? On Friday or Saturday or something??

Filtered Against Baddies, Katherine, and Mr. Dark

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You know what never gets old? The looks on people's faces when they figure out that yes, the 5'1" blonde girl can fight. And often better than the doubters in question. BTW! SORRY, HARRY!

Know what does get old? Having nowhere to go at night. It's already old.

[ooc: Yeah, Steph's still up at the camp. So.]

Filtered to Natasha

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I couldn't find an exact location...maybe he has some sort of signal jammer or something that messes it up, I don't know, but he's somewhere around [vague location description]. Why did he leave? And why didn't he tell you where he was going?

[Filtered to Clint]
I don't know where you are, but you need to come back. We've only had one driving lesson. That's not enough. So, you have to come back. You promised. You have to keep your promise.


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This Mr. Dark guy has my niece.

[Mr. Dark]

What did you do to Allana?

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[Text to Florence]
>>it nver stosps

[More texts to a dead guys phone-Sherlock XD]
>>I caant do tis without yu

[Added text to Kat]

Filtered to Morgana

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My lady, I stopped by your rooms apartment but I could not find you. Nevertheless, I wished to tell you that I will be attending the training camp the week following the coming one. I am still available for contact should you require anything. However, I do not doubt those here would

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I find I'm quite fond of this carnivals cotton candy. I'm unsure of it's similarity to cotton, but relevant or not it's damn good.

Filtered from evil, Katherine and Dark

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We've all seen the damn fliers around town about the Shadow Show so I decided to put google to some good use and type the name of it in. This being fictional thing really does come in handy every so often. Or at least when the nefarious types are the fictional here.

Dark is from a novel (or maybe a movie, but it's based on the novel) as is his Shadow Show.

Did some reasearch and I came across an author who studied the book and whatnot. Here's the important part:

The major conflict, then, becomes the protagonists’ attempts to understand and overcome their
fear. Only after they do this can they defeat Mr. Dark and rescue the townspeople from his magic.

Also happiness, laughter and love seem to be the big three things that destroy whatever the hell he's doing. Apparently some rides can age or de-age a person. Others show their greatest desire and lots of other crazy ass stuff.

Not sure exactly how this will help, but figured I should get the info out to everyone since it can touch any of us.

Also. Has anyone heard from Clark? Because I've tried reaching him all day and he hasn't answered any of my calls. And he...always answers my calls. Or at least calls me back in a few minutes. So...exactly how susceptible to magic is he? Because I have a really bad feeling about this. I swear to god Clark
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