War Is Coming Communications.

February 10th, 2012

February 10th, 2012

Text to Lexi

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» I don't know if you heard, but my sister is back.
» And I have a favor to ask.

Filtered Against Evil. And Jerky Irishmen. And Sucky Evil Vamps.

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I saw the outside today! It's still there and it's beautiful. Though, seriously, who turned winter back on? Did I miss the warm bits? You stop living your life to write one bloody paper and this is what happens. Gah. On the plus side, it's a damn good paper if I do say so myself.

And I have to say, I've never been so glad that I hate American chips before. Is he really dead, then?


I don't care if it's cheesy, I don't care how human it is. Tuesday night, you're all mine. And we're going to do something so over the top romantic that we'll look ridiculous and I don't even care. I haven't had anyone to spend that day with properly in years.

Filtered against evil/Moriarty/evil vampires

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Why are drunk people so stupid and annoying?

filtered against evil and moriarty

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Can we pretend last night didn't happen?..or is there otherwise a magic delete button of all the stupid things I said last night? Now I remember why I swore off the alcohol before. Not to mention the hangover from hell.

Thanks for what you did. Sorry you had to babysit me.

filtered against evil and moriarty

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I am not insane I am not insane I am not bloody convinced I am not insane Right. Well then, now that the general sort of fog has lifted I suppose I should attempt a real introduction of sorts. My name is John Watson. I am an experienced medical doctor and former surgeon of the British Army. I work with Sherlock Holmes whom I'm surprised none of you have punched quite yet. But am pleased. I do apologize for acting a bit out of sorts before, I wasn't in my right mind. I still may not be because this is all if I may say so without offending completely bloody insane. Still if I am to be here I might as well go on and make myself useful, should anyone be injured or in need of an operation I would be willing to offer my service.

Filtered against evil

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There is a motor car company named after Nikola Tesla? How interesting. Fascinating man. I met him at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. I rather think he'd like the cars this company makes.

In a strange way, this makes me nostalgic for the horse and buggy days.

Filtered to Security Peple

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So, the seal decided that a friend of mine needed to be here and it makes a lot of sense give the fact that she's kind of one of the most ingenious inventors of all time. I can't even begin to explain how many amazing things she has created. She'd be an amazing asset on the security front, and I told her I'd talk to you guys and see what you think. I mean, how can H.G, Wells ever be a bad mind to have in the mix, right?! Except that one time she

Filtered against Evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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I can't believe I did it agai
How could I have been so blind to the sig
What kind of man am I

[Added filter against the Sergievskys]

I don't need Svetlana seeing me handle this this badly

Anyone up for a drink? Or ten? Or more?

Filtered to Ziva

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Hey, how are you feeling Ziva?
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