War Is Coming Communications.

November 29th, 2011

November 29th, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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See, Violet? I told you we had membership cards.

Filtered against Lucy.

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You know what I love the most about Christmas?

The presents. Now, I know what you're thinking. Archangel? Going on about presents on the supposed day of the birth of you-know-who? Blasphemy!

But, seriously, folks. There's something reeaaal nice about opening up a present and finding a nice surprise inside.

I wonder what kind of surprises you crazy kids are going to find in your presents this year, hmm?

Filtered against evil and children

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I just got molested by a cookie.

Filtered against baddies

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Okay, I'm officially down to my last $50. I need a job :( FML...I don't even know where to begin. I probably shouldn't have waited this long...but procrastination might also be my middle name, metaphorically speaking.


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There's an emotion. Very big, daunting. For Romana. She puts her trust in one who can't be trusted. She doesn't see the splintering, she doesn't see the strings and planning. She doesn't want to. And it will end badly and she will hurt.

I think it is called worry, is that correct?

[This goes to both Doctors! And look, she can filter!!! Well, she grasps single filters just not generic ones >.>]

Filtered against evil, Team Wicked and Elphie's close friends

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If someone went through a traumatic experience and was having trouble dealing with it but didn't want to talk about it because the details are too horrific, how would they try to get over the experience?

filtered agianst baddies and kids

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Deeeeeeeeaaaaannn. I want wine.

Bring me all the wine!
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