War Is Coming Communications.

November 25th, 2011

November 25th, 2011

Filtered against baddies

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So glad I'm not into Black Friday sales. I'll spend the extra money later and live to see another day, thanks. I'll just be over here watching the news in the morning to count the fatalities that I will not be getting visions of because Nate is fucking amazing and I love him. So wrong.

no evilbitches please

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so i think i'm gona be a hunter
becaus i mean its not like i hav anything else thats worth donig right? evilbitchs need to die andn i can help?/

and besides i alredy touchd dead bodes for photos and stuff andthen that one tiem i killed someon and i didnt frek out that bad soo its not liek i'm going to freak ou t at killng evilthngs right?>

someone getme a gun

Anti-evil filter

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So, I know this is a little late for Thanksgiving, but I was kind of busy earlier and so this never got posted, but I found this online earlier and I thought it was pretty appropriate for Thanksgiving during the apocalypse...

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.

- Thornton Wilder

I'm pretty sure I'd rather be stuck in the end of the world with my life as it is now, than go back to two or three years ago when I was alone and pretty much a hermit.

So, yeah. Happy Thanksgiving, guys.

Text to Connor

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» Hey, you like girls, ri
» So, in the interest of not being repetitive...we should hang out again soon and you should show me how to play the games all the cool kids play.

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There was a giant Spiderman and the me that isn't me sang.

Surreal thy name is Macy's.

Sam how'd you do with ALL OF THE CLOWNS.

Now brb fighting the food coma :p

filtered from baddies..

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k so there was this bar guy wh o was tryn to start shit with me tonight at the ba r but i was bein ghe bigger man and ignoring him and driking my drink i gav him a warning and went back to my pretzels cuz thyrr cheapr then peanuts. so i sit down to watcb e ertting going on eatin my pretzels and this guy comes back actin all tough like what you gonna do about it huh? i eat my pretzels an hes watchin me all annoyed like im doin someth real challnging i dont wanna make a scen about MY pretzels but i do want to show tis guy not to fuck with me. so i eat them ll slow like ad delibrate. we go back an ofrth about the pretzels like wolves ryin ta bite eachother

i grabbed some

eh grabbed some

i grabbed some

the guy wouldnt give about the pretzels so finally i went behind he bar waayyy away from him and eat them there. He follwd me and tried tograbem from my hands sand i couldnt just let that happen, those were mypretzels. SO i grabbed them back and ate a big handful and he stprmed off with the bouncer fter i flaggd him down. I turned arund to look at the bar tender and hes all hahaha wh the fuck did you steal that guys pretzels, and fuk me MY pretzels were on the other side of th bar

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I think I'm actually full. Best holiday ever.

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I helped feed homeless people yesterday! I heard someone at work mention it and decided to see what it was and so I helped and it was nice and the people were nice but some of the volunteers were sort of mean because they were forced to help. That was sad but mostly it was nice and a good experience and I signed up for other weekends to help again.

Today was crazy and strange and exhausting. I don't even remember most of it. Just a blur of everything. My hands are all jittery because I was given something called 5 Hour Energy Shot. Lots of them to keep me going. It said it was supposed to be consolidated coffee. I like coffee better. Much much better. So I had coffee on my lunches as well. Now I can't sit still and want to dance and move and everything is kind of spinning and swaying and it's all so interesting.

I want to dance. Or move. Or just spin. I don't know. I'm confusifying myself.

[Overly caffeinated!Galinda doesn't know how to filter. Oops?]

Filtered against....shit. And dmeons and bollocks.

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D'you know what my favourite part of Yank Black bloody Friday is? There is NODOBY at the pbu. Pub. Nodoby Nobody at the fucking pub. That means so many more pints for me yeah? Jess. Jess, you should...er...come. Out here. not...right. You should come to the Roadhouse. But call a bac yeah and have some bloke make sure you get to it all right yeah because you shouldtn come out by yoursle.f
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