Who:John Watson and Sherlock Holmes What:Reuniting? When: Last night Where: Restaurant that serves crappy tea. Warning:TBA!
John didn't know what to think. Moriarty was talking to him as though he hadn't a care in the world and that was bad enough. Then there was Sherlock. Sherlock was supposed to be dead. John saw him die but there he was chatting him up on the internet as though nothing had happened. It wasn't right. He'd had this dream before, that's what it was. It was just a wonderful dream where he could see his best friend and finally feel normal again instead of empty and angry. He waited in the booth of the location he'd given to Sherlock for him. He couldn't even entertain the possibility that it was real after everything that had happened. He'd gone back to his psychologist and he knew what she would say.
Why John. Why are you doing this to yourself now after all the progress you have made? He wanted the answer too. Maybe by meeting this Sherlock he would get some. Irene was even in his dream, he wasn't sure why he would dream her up. He couldn't come up with an explanation and he wasn't sure he cared to try. Many things had happened like that since Sherlock's death. Things he might have cared about had his best friend still been alive, but he wasn't. It was like a switch turned off and ice water had been dumped on his head. Surprise, you're alone in the world John Watson. Waiting for Sherlock Holmes to show up when he never would was the craziest he'd been since he lost him. It caused his throat to dry up and he took a drink of the water he'd been given by a hostess.
Watching his wrist watch he frowned at the time. This was silly. Picking up his cane he limped toward the door with all intentions to leave. Opening it up and pushing his way outside, he stared upward at the sky. It's not fair. Why are you doing this to me? Then down at his watch again. He heavily considered getting a pint at some local bar.