War Is Coming RPG.

February 5th, 2012

February 5th, 2012

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Who: Rei, potentially open to any bad guys wanting to mess with her? Otherwise it works as a narrative.
What: Dealing with things as only Rei can.
When: Right now
Where: Her apartment, then the streets
Warning: Very low

The Fire Princess was an Ice Queen )

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Who? Loki (narrative)
What? Brooding!
Where? His apartment, and then ~elsewhere~
When? Backdated to just after he comm-harassed the Joker! So like, last week. whoops.
Rating? Not terribly high.
Notes: After this, Loki has not been around Lawrence much at all. Just in case that is relevant information.

It was becoming less an issue of defending someone he considered a friend, and more about feeling slighted, feeling as though his ability was being called into question... )
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