War Is Coming RPG.

January 21st, 2011

January 21st, 2011

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WHO: Epiphany Greaves and Nathan Young
WHAT: She gets to bail him out of jail!
WHEN: Middle of the night, 1/20
WHERE: Starts at the jail, at the very least.
WARNINGS: Okay, seriously. Consider who is in this thread. There will be language.

Really, Epiphany hadn't been all that surprised to hear that Nathan had gone and gotten himself arrested. )

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Who: Fred Burkle and open (or stand alone)
What: Wallowing in sadness and guilt with loud country music and beer
Where: Apartment 509 in the complex
When: Present day, after Lust is dead and gone.
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Who: The Shurleys
Where: Their apartment above the Roadhouse
When: Last night
Rating: A for Angst?
Status: Incomplete

put one foot wrong and I'm gonna fall )

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Who: Blair Waldorf and Open!
Where: Some bar
When: Now XD
Rating: TBC
Status: Incomplete

I feel nauseous )

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Who: Brennan and Booth
What: Brennan goes to get Booth out of the hospital.
When: BACKDATED: January 20th, after this
Where: Hospital
Warnings: Should be none
Status: In Progress

Honestly, this day had just been one strange day )

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Who: Tish and Open
What: The aftereffects of Gluttony call for a little extra exercise on Tish’s part. She’s jumping rope in the gym and getting a little frustrated at her lack of stamina.
Where: The community gym and kitchen
When: Present time
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