April 16th, 2010



[No Subject]


Cure-all: (noun) Something believed to cure all human disorders.

It started with The Cure: a drug designed to inhibit and reverse the effects of an active x-gene. While some saw it as an option for those less fortunate mutants who’s x-gene simply left them physically disfigured, or those with powers that made every day life difficult, others saw it as a weapon. Eventually, The Cure failed. But not before those who’d been offended by it’s very existence were ready to strike back.

Four years later, The Cure-All was a sort of response to The Cure. It was made for all humans who no longer wanted to be weak, those who wanted to be part of the next evolutionary step of humanity. Like The Cure, at first, it worked perfectly. But only at first.

Three months after the first human had undergone the change to homo-superior, the powers and mutations seemed to fade. What was left in place of the homo-superior, however, wasn’t quite human. Still alive, they were reduced to one basic instinct: the need to feed. Their choice of meal? Human and homo-superior flesh.

Those who survived learned that staying on the move meant staying alive. If they stopped anywhere too long, the infected would come. Only a few at first, but then more and more until their numbers were impossible to fight off. In the end it became a matter of fight together or die alone, and surviving was all anyone could hope for.

[info]ca_mods for the full premise and information.
Only accepting 12 players. Be quick, places are filling up fast!

[No Subject]


Poseidon Academy, an educational institution by the shores of the ocean, is home to people of all different ages, from all different places. They are teachers, faculty, students and townspeople, each serving an important purpose, playing a crucial role in the Academy's greater community. Reachable through a nexus -- a strange and inexplicable phenomenon that allows passage between worlds and times -- the Academy exists largely in a world of its own. All races, all ages, all sentient forms of life are welcomed with open arms to the Academy. Some are more benevolent than others, but that's the risk of a place such as this; that is what gives the Academy its color.

Nearly all fandoms and genres are happily accepted into the Academy, so long as they can find a place, their own little niche, in which to fit within Poseidon's community. If you're interested in joining the Academy's varied and diverse population, please take the time to explore further using the links provided below. Any other questions that you may have, feel free to address them to the moderators, who will be happy to provide whatever answers they can.

Setting , Rules , Taken Characters A - M , Taken Characters N - Z , Application

Mod Contact:
AIM: trouble truffle
e-mail: ikenie@tampabay.rr.com

[No Subject]


For centuries, a war had raged between vampire, shapeshifters and gifted humans. Hidden from the eyes on the mundanes, it nonetheless threatened their way of life like any regular war would. It might have continued on into eternity, if not for Raven Morgan, a powerful seer, and Ash Livingstone, the leader of the werewolves. They fell in love, and it was from their binding that the foundation of the Covenant was born.

A treaty was struck, binding the shifters and the gifted to each other for as long as the Covenant held. The best and the strongest of the shifters would be bound to the gifted, protecting them from the hunger of the vampires while the gifted would use their considerable talents to help the shifters defeat the vampires. This treaty enabled them to achieve victory over the vampires, forcing them into an uneasy truce. No longer may the vampires wage outright war against either the shifters or the gifted, in fear of the vengeance wreaked by the allied shifters and gifted.

Not that the vampires are completely cowed - still lured in by the heady power available to them from even a drop of a gifted's blood, and nursing a long-standing hatred for the shifters, they do all they can to needle the shifters and seduce the gifted.

In New York City, the uneasy truce has been disturbed. When a young Gifted and a vampire fell in love, all hell broke lose. The resulting chaos ended with the Guardian slaying the vampire in question, and now the Covenant holds it's breath, waiting to see how the Coven will react.
[info]guardings | [info]preternaturally | [info]guardingooc
the covenant
for players

Au Marvel Game


The House of M




Character Directory
Player Directory
Friending Button

Most Needed Characters

Nick Fury

Iron Man
Peter Parker
Wanda Maxinoff went insane when she had found out that she couldn't have children and started to play with realties where she could. Magneto worked with Charles Xaiver and Dr. Strange to help cure Wanda of the delusions she was having but she was starting to become very, very dangerous. Meanwhile Charles Xaiver and the X-Men called a meeting with the Avengers to talk about possibly killing Wanda to save the world. There was a lot of arguing but in the end they did agree on killing Wanda, unfortunately Quicksilver overheard the whole conversation and ran back to warn Wanda convincing her to create a universe where Mutants were in control and the family Magnus ruled supreme.

The world went white and no one at all remembered what life was like before this utopia was created except for Wolverine and Layla Miller. What if Wolverine and Layla Miller never came to the conclusion that there was something wrong? What if they never went around waking people up from this wonderful mutant utopia where the House of Magnus ruled?

Our goal is to bring the 'old GJ feeling' back. We're focusing highly on character development, player involvement and player driven storylines.




the Light of May


Light of May

MODS  •  RPG  •  OOC


Area Information
On May 1st, 2009, your world crumbled. Nation leaders spoke together to reveal a truth to the world: the supernatural world is real. Vampires, werewolves, and more
exist. They have been known to the government for a long time, and now they are coming out of the shadows. And what's worse, they want rights.

The days that followed changed everything most people believed they knew about the world, about history, and most importantly, about themselves. Celebrities,
politicians, the family down the street - they began revealing their true identities, and telling the world what they really were. Missing people that had been turned against
their will came out of hiding, and organizations popped up to reunite them with their families. The revealing of the supernatural was penned in the media as the Light of
May, as society made room for the supernatural.

But you don't want to move over and make it easy. You want to kill them all.

Maybe you heard the news on May 1st and heard a calling to cleanse the world - your world - of these abominations. They want equal rights, but you know they
are not equal. They should not be accepted, they should be shunned and feared. And if the world is too blinded to do that, they should be wiped out. And you're
just the person for the job.

Maybe you're from a hunting family, that's been fighting the supernatural for countless generations. You may see the Light of May as a good or bad thing. On one hand,
your targets are much easier to find. On the other, what you're doing is out in the open -- and very, very illegal.

Or maybe you're just an opportunist. Along with the news that supernaturals exist, so too comes the news that every blood type is valuable. Blood dealing is illegal, but
vamps and witches still pay top dollar for it. Someone's gonna do it, and it might as well be you.

No matter what your reason for picking up arms, your purpose is clear.

Kill all who stand in your way.

The Light of May is an original supernatural game, taking place in a time when the world is adjusting to the world that has been hidden since the beginning of time. The
game is set in Ann Arbor, Michigan, centered around a fictional township called Scarlet Oak. Characters of many races are up for play, as are those trusty humans. The
Light of May will be focusing on characters adjustments and the eventual struggle against demons, hunters, and more.

The Light of May is for original characters only. Pre-existing fandom characters will not be allowed. Many wanted characters and storylines!


Original Superheroes Game


| Game Information | Rules | Application | Taken Characters | Taken PBs | Hold a PB

In 1946, the aliens came to earth and brought with them a virus that changed everything. A virus designed to enhance the psychic powers of a race genetically identical to humans, the Wild Card virus created Earth's first metahumans, giving superpowers to aces, and deformities to jokers.

At first, aces were revered and jokers were hated. Both sides were seen as property – useful for the public good, or useful to beat up. No one thought long-term about what they meant to the world; everyone thought that the first generation would die and take their mutations with them.

But the wild card didn’t die out. Instead, they’ve been increasing, ever more of the population, ever more present.

Ever more useful, to those who think that way. Technology hasn’t caught up to the gifts that the wild card can give, yet. That’s the new arms race: to make your own wild cards, rather than wait for them to be born. Both the government and free science – if science can be said to be free in an age of corporate control – want that power.

Both are on the brink of achieving it.

It has been 150 years since the virus fell like rain over New York City and over the world.

People have adapted.

You can reach either of the mods via PM on IJ or by emailing us at wefloatmods@gmail.com. We are happy to chat as well--just send us an email so that we know when is best to reach you.

Thanks so much!
The Mods

[No Subject]

Lost in the world grander than its dreams, a small town beckons you. Its name is Crystal Falls, nestled in the middle of one of the largest lakes of the south. For now, this town is safe, a haven for the mystical creatures of lore. They welcome you with open arms. Most are friendly like no other place in the world. More are coming, drawn to the power already here in this enchanted land, and by the powers of the ones long settled here. The promise of protection, friendship, family, normalcy, whatever it is you want out of your life is here and now. How long will it last? Who can you trust?

Welcome to Mystic Realm.

Adds within 36 hours of apping!

[No Subject]

[info]sfbayarea! Tons of people being removed tonight! Come check us out! Adds tomorrow! This girl needs lines!

[No Subject]

Hello late nighters! I'm REALLY bored and i'm looking for more private storylines! Check the journal before reaching me at "Dwoor" on AIM!

Survivors - Original Character (OC) RPG



·Taken/Held PBs
·Wanted Ads
·Mod Journal

Imagine being the only survivor of a disease that kills every member of your family, that kills lovers, strangers, friends, nearly everyone you've ever met.

You are among the lonely few to live and now you must start over in a strange new world where everything that was once safe and familiar is now strange and dangerous.

Set in the present day, Survivors focuses on the world in the aftermath of a devastating virus which wipes out most of the world's population. What would we do? How would any of us cope in a brave new world where all traditional 21st Century comforts - electricity, clean running water, advanced technology - have disappeared?

These are the questions faced by the bewildered but resilient group of survivors at the centre of the drama. It is an opportunity for new beginnings, but with no society, no police and no law and order, they now face terrible dangers - not just the daily struggle for food and water but also the deadly threat from other survivors.


Two groups battle to find each other; cling to the hope of finding others alive...and above all, to survive.
Nowhere to hide, do you stay human and try and retain a sense of civilisation, or do you retreat into barbarism and leave your humanity behind?

Choose your group, one in central London, one travelling back to the capital from North Kyme in Lincolnshire.


START DATE: Saturday 17th/ Sunday 18th April
IMPORTANT: Please read ALL information in the Mod Journal before applying.
PLEASE NOTE: Some content is not available as of yet, please keep a check for updates to information sections. FAQs & Wanted Ads have been added, please read.

Any queries or questions fill free to email at: survivorsmods@gmail.com
or PM the Mod Journal
Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide

Jekyll and Hyde Hotel


Jekyll and Hyde Hotel: Multi-Fandom RPG
"Make Yourself At Home"

Something went wrong. Or perhaps it didnt, perhaps it went precisely as you planned. Either way, you're dead. At least, you should be. But it's quite curious how you awaken and can feel wet grass under your fingertips, smell the freshly cut hedges and taste the clean flavor of dew in the air. The dance of rushing water reaches your ears and you breathe in... yes, you certainly are breathing. You're breathing, your heart is pounding against your rib cage, and you feel very much alive...
But you are dead.
Before you stands a magnificent and grand fountain, the sparkling reflection of the building past it seems more lively than the building itself. As you stand you can see the vast greenery of hedges, gardens, fountains, as far as the eye can reach. It seems peaceful here and yet, somehow, in the back of your mind, you know that there's so much more below the surface. And you know it's not near your time to leave.
Welcome to the Jekyll and Hyde Hotel. Where, by day, you live in paradise. And, by night, all you can do is fight your way through hell and back to see the next morning again.

Jekyll and Hyde Hotel is an Multi-Fandom based horror RPG looking for experienced writers to join the fun! We open after having at least three more applications from any fandom of your choice. For any questions that you don't find already answered in the rules section, please feel free to email us at jekyllhydemod@gmail.com!

|Jekyll and Hyde Hotel RPG|Jekyll Hyde OOC|Jekyll Hyde Rules|


[No Subject]



The year is 2025. Students are eager to aboard the train as they begin the journey to Hogwarts. It's September first and the castle is ready to open its doors again. But, wait, eager, you say? . . .