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Oct. 27th, 2012



The mods had a meeting about the fate of the game today, and due to waning activity and apparent lack of interest, we have decided to close the game.

We thank you all for your interest, and the great playtimes we have had. We are sad to see the game roll over and die, but the time has come to say good night.

If you need a new place to play out any lines you have, the mods suggest [info]projectchaos. It's huge, the game itself has ADD, but it's a lot of fun! We're currently in a fixed setting, which is the house from American Horror Story, but soon things will be back to 'normal' where you can play out anything, pretty much.

Thanks again. We appreciate you, and hope to see you in other places.

Oct. 20th, 2012


Hey should we be sending people out soon to find us diesel fuel to heat up the heater system.



I was thinking about setting up a small recon place on top of the parking lot building. Just keeping you up on my intel.


To the med staff and kid

If you don’t mind coming down to the lobby on the fourth floor I just bring in some flesh clothing and toys.

The reason why I'm asking for someone from the Med staff to come down I've brught back a floor plan of the building called Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Maybe you can tell me what to bring back next time I go there.


di-dahdah-ditdah-di-dah-dahdah-dah-dahdah-ditdit dah-dah-dahdi-di-dahdah dahdi-di-di-ditditdi-dah-ditdit

International Morse Code and it say
Anyone out there


Who ever is behind taking my blade weapon from my room?

You have one hour to have it back in my room and no question will be ask. But if it not back by then this whole place wouldn’t wish to piss this Wayne off for I'll use my other weapon and skills to find the thief and kill you.

Oct. 19th, 2012


Fi we need to do something. I'm starting to have nightmares of home.

Oct. 15th, 2012


Oi, Doctor, where have you been hiding?

Oct. 14th, 2012


Going out for a hunt. Anyone want to come?

Oct. 9th, 2012


It’s safe to go down in to the tunnel just don’t open the barricadecthey are set to keep us safe.

Also this means the Vampires as well for I sat up ultraviolet light trap and if you think your skilled at disarming then think again for the Nightstalker are known to have more than one trap.
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Dobby, are you well?

And you, Dustfinger? How fare the walls in your room?


I can't stay in here, haunting the corridors. It's as safe inside doors as it's probably ever going to get.

I'm going out. Even if I can't make a dent in this mess, I have to try.

Oct. 7th, 2012


Well this is an interesting place....

Oct. 6th, 2012


There has never been a point in my life where I hated what I am more than I do now.

Even as an abomination I am utterly useless.

[Private to my fellow mutants]

Avoid getting bit if you can. The X-gene does not save you from this disease, it only protects you from the airborne contagion. Only an advanced healing factor will keep you from becoming a walking corpse if you are bitten.

I am sorry.

(ooc: This isn't pertaining to the House being gone issue this is me watching House and following House like protocol as to what he would do with his disease ridden toy. And then 'playing' that Sam and I had previously discussed. Since the Heroes girl is supposed to be the cure, Laura's healing factor is to volatile for human tissue, so Save the Cheerleader save the world!)

Oct. 5th, 2012


The name is Nate and I have decided it's time someone opens a small bar and grill here. Everyone needs a place to chill and I think it would be good to get things back to some kind of normal. So, anyone wishing to work in the bar please contact myself or Eliot Spencer.

[Filtered away from all Police types and Security]

Also if there is anyone out there that needs something from the outside that you want kept on the down low you can get in contact with me and we can work something out.

Oct. 3rd, 2012


You'll find flesh meat in the cafeteria. Also in the cooler in one of the med room you find some jar of flesh blood that came from some cervical and a loin. If you need me to do another blood run tell me where you wish for it to come from.

Also to the lady who wanted catfish there some at the cafeteria just for you.


Agent Hill and Agent Romanoff

I would like to meet both of you in the conference room on the sixth floor say around mid-day.


I need some help over at the garage or better yet parking building. I still look at it like a big garage for I had gone through one floor of vehicle. Just make sure you are caring weapon that make a quiet sound for there is some walkers about.


Alright listen up people. If you are dying for a good drink stop by the room on the right side of the clerical on the fourth floor.


Who do I see about joining the watch team? I need something to do and that my skill are good at.

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October 2012




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