May. 31st, 2017




The musical plot starts in 2 hours, HAVE FUN :D

May. 22nd, 2017




Remember to sign up for the musical plot!

Mar. 11th, 2017



Reaper Plot Reminder

It's March 22nd! Details and plotting here!

Aug. 22nd, 2016




Early next week a Reaper is going to enter the system. The Agency will go on full alert. It's a small one, so the Normandy is able to take it out, with help from anyone who's capable of going into space.

As a reminder here's the full reaper plot! We've had new players and characters since then so sign ups and plot ideas are still welcome. That goes for existing people too!

I'll have shepard make a post, we don't have to log anything but if agency players want to log the after math or getting really really drunk go ahead. XD

This is a little late because it plain slipped my mind!

Apr. 21st, 2016




ITS ALMOST TIME! The Body Swap starts in a little over an hour!!

Random results can be found at that second link!

Apr. 19th, 2016




Reminder! Body Swap Starts Friday morning at 12:01am PDT! Random results can be found at that second link!

Apr. 4th, 2016




I feel like this is a very accurate description of writing and RP

Sep. 19th, 2015




You know this happened in canon. At least MY canon.

Jul. 3rd, 2015




Happy Friday, folks! Your game-wide plot for July is here! Or, well. Here for advanced planning anyway.

The Giga Slave (July 12th-19th) )

Dec. 9th, 2014




Meteor shower is tomorrow! After midnight, and tomorrow night after dark, characters may wish on the stars!

From 12/15 to 12/26, their wish will come true!

Sign up and rules here!

Oct. 22nd, 2014



This is also very important

Psst Avengers



You're Welcome

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Sep. 21st, 2014




Too lazy to log back into the mod journal, but for those not logged in, new gamewide plot signups available!

Sep. 6th, 2014




The sleep plot still has another 4 hours to go! Sorry for any confusion, Scott and Asami were woken with a 'true love's kiss', but the curse overall won't end until midnight, when Maleficent breaks her own curse!

At that point, anyone still asleep will wake up and people will stop having nightmares and hallucinations!

Sep. 5th, 2014




Characters who selected option 4 can now hallucinate!

Also, True Love's kiss should only really work for option 1. Everyone else gets to suffer until the end of the night tomorrow!

Sep. 2nd, 2014




Reminder! Dream plot starts on 9/4 and ends at the end of the day on 9/6! Ready your nightmares and your True Love's Kisses!

Activity Check is ongoing! You have until midnight on the third to get your activity in! That's GMT-8!

If your character was added on the 24th or later they're exempt, if you're a new player you're exempt but please reply. If you get 3 instances of activity you can qualify for dreams! If your character was added before the 24th and you're not a new player this month, they still need the full activity!

Aug. 28th, 2014




Reminder! Dream plot starts on 9/4 and ends at the end of the day on 9/6! Ready your nightmares and your True Love's Kisses!

Activity Check is ongoing! Please have all placeholders up by midnight tonight! You have until midnight on the third to get your activity in!

If your character was added on the 24th or later they're exempt, if you're a new player you're exempt but please reply. If you get 3 instances of activity you can qualify for dreams! If your character was added before the 24th and you're not a new player this month, they still need the full activity!

Aug. 8th, 2014




Communications are fubared until Monday night!

I've also taken the liberty of adding a !malfunction tag to the net and comm!

Jul. 31st, 2014




Activity Check is ongoing!. You can use activity posted before midnight, pacific time (GMT-8) for activity. You can even post up placeholder logs and use those as long as the placeholders are replaced with the logs before August 3rd at 9pm. At that time activity check will close!

New characters who were added too late to pass activity aren't eligible for their 20% memory unless they post three instances of activity, but they can still get a bunch of memories via things such as playlists, AU histories, locations and so forth! But if you can get 3 instances of activity they can still get their normal 20%!


We did this a couple of years ago and it was really awesome, so I'm bringing it back!

August 7th-10th, all communications on the Comm and the Net GO CRAZY! Txt messages go to the wrong people or random people, private locks fail, PMs go to the wrong or multiple or random people.

New Players this month still need to check in! You're not required to post activity but if you get the required three you can get a jumpstart on memories still!

Jul. 24th, 2014




A good chunk of Irvine is without power. Feel free to have your characters react to that if they're in that part of the county. And hope it gets restored for any players we have affected by it! I know it's hotter than usual out there, so drink lots of water.

Jul. 20th, 2014




Point Tallies are only accepted up to June 30th. For activity done in July forward we are going to be using the new system!

You can calculate your memories against This table. Points can be spent until July 31st.

Gifting is open from any character to any character, up to 200 points at a time. IE: Character A has 400 points. It can gift 200 points to character B and 200 points to character C.

Jun. 27th, 2014




Activity Check Reminder!

May. 21st, 2014




For those who aren't logged into the right journal to see locked posts, please refer to this!

Apr. 28th, 2014




REMINDER! Activity Check is ongoing!

Game-wide plot sign ups for the end of May.

Apr. 26th, 2014




REMINDER! Activity Check is ongoing!

Mar. 24th, 2014




Activity Check is still ongoing!

Mar. 22nd, 2014




I was going to wait a few days, but I wanted to get this out now and in front of the player base.

I can't get into specific details, but it was brought to our attention today that Frost had stolen Valar's premise and taken it to another game, nearly word for word.

We didn't give Frost any permission to do this and Frost did not come forward with us about this. This is not the first time Frost has done this, she also did the exact same thing last year and we let her off with a warning after she reluctantly closed the game she'd opened.

Players at Valar are more then welcome to play at Frost's game. I have no problems with that, and there would be no hard feelings on our part if anyone wants to play there. I just wanted to clarify that the system was taken without permission.

Mar. 18th, 2014




New Game-wide Plot for April! You can find the information here

Please note that the opt in form has changed from previous Opt in forms.

Feb. 14th, 2014




So I gave Lara another new face. This should stick! It's her voice actress after all :D

Jan. 1st, 2014




Important mod post related to points here for those not logged in or on the right journal for their flist.

Dec. 31st, 2013




Activity Check is still ongoing! Remember it's just a check in this month! You have until 1/3 at 6pm PST to check in! If you notice someone hasn't checked in feel free to send them over!

Dec. 29th, 2013




Activity Check is still ongoing! Remember it's just a check in this month! You have until 1/3 at 6pm PST to check in! If you notice someone hasn't checked in feel free to send them over!

Dec. 2nd, 2013




Activity check!

You have until 6pm tomorrow (pacific time) to reply to the thread with your activity!

The next Game-Wide Plot is Holiday wishes!

Nov. 27th, 2013




Activity Check is on going!

Remember! Only one instance or 25 points this month. You have until 6pm on December 3rd to post activity, and until November 30th at Midnight PST to post new threads or placeholders!

Nov. 19th, 2013




Since the servers are going down tomorrow, we're going to assume that the Zillo Beast cut an undersea line that took out the Valarnet! Feel free to discuss that when everything comes back up!

Note, power is fine, the internet is fine, it's just the actual VALARnet that goes down.

Nov. 3rd, 2013




Last call for activity check! A little over four hours left!

Nov. 2nd, 2013




Activity check is ongoing! You have until Tomorrow night at 6pm Pacific time(that's 9pm est) to get your checks in! After that characters will be dropped. They can be reapped after the usual period.

Please reply here if you're participating in NaNo, that'll make it easier for other players to be aware.

Coinciding with that, Activity for November and December will be 1 instance of qualifying activity or 25 points in a tally.

You have until 11/5 to post up partner threads for the second half of August!

May. 27th, 2013



Oh you guys. I just couldn't help it.

Especially now with Summer here and an easier school load in the fall? SSK is here again... and this time I'm bringing you this beautiful fool, Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby. She's a socialite with a husband that fools around, a daughter she hardly pays attention to and a thing for this one guy she fell in love with and hasn't seen for five years or so.

Most importantly with her: money speaks. :\a The more money, the louder she hears you.

Jan. 19th, 2013





I make no apologies for the tears that will be spilled

Sep. 8th, 2012



Football season

Tomorrow is the first football Sunday of the season

And since I work for a sports book, I expect it to be brutal for the first half of my shift tomorrow. Monday probably won't be any better, at least until things stabilize.

I'm not sure about the second half of my shift, but it should slow down. The real annoyance then are just the half hour calls.

Just a heads up!

Aug. 30th, 2012



Just a reminder!

My work schedule is now 4pm PST to 12am PST, with Tues/Wed off. My lunch is typically around 8, which is when I'm most accessible on aim. Otherwise, for plotting/bsing/general needs it's best to email me at the email on my contact page, and unless I'm on a call or running a report I'll be able to respond pretty quickly! And usually the later it gets the less the calls come in. (It's a much lower call volume than I'm used to in general, and tends to drop off sharply around 7:30ish)

I typically start heading to bed around 5:30am these days.. XD

Aug. 20th, 2012



The hand situation

Still ongoing. And more info for relevant peoples who hopefully all still love me )

Aug. 10th, 2012



New Work Schedule Starting 8/27

4pm-12am with Tues/Wed off. PST.

Jul. 26th, 2012



Just a quick note!

Those with 'magical' puncturing set to yes will see Domino as extremely pale. Her default skin tone is actually completely white, and she's not THERE yet, but she's so pale that people might consider her to be quite sickly or living under a rock these past few years or something. XD

Fluttershy's hair is starting to look a bit pink as well.

Jul. 24th, 2012




As much as I really really really wanted to log the ship rescue, I just can't. It's impossible for me to thread at work. A google doc I've discovered I can get away with, though slowly. Some net or comm posts. Narratives are pretty easy to do while I'm monitoring systems, since I don't have to hold up another player. Even the occasional really slow log that's been going awhile. Additionally, lot of people can only thread and only do so during the day. So a major thread like this will just tie up these characters for like a week.

Which I don't want. I also think things got out of hand with too many cooks in the kettle and I'm really sorry about that. really really sorry.

So we need to handwaive the avengers/batman rescue thingie, or at least part of it. I've been slogging away all day at the plan Azula and Zuko hatched with their co-conspirator.

Now, I had a plan, that would let that plot come to fruition while still allowing Tony et al to be badassed. So we can definitely still go with that plan.

You see, the Syndicate wants to cover this all up.

Suddenly; torpedoes!

As the Avengers and Family arrive on scene, a pair of torpedoes hits the ship, with two more streaking in. That's how the log I've been working on all day will end, and then we just need to figure out what happened, so those involved just need to reply with how their characters reacted and if the ship sank fully or what not.

As for mine, I figure in the end Azula will be in a hospital in OC due to injuries sustained in the fight. Kitty and Zuko mostly unharmed.

Jul. 9th, 2012




Howdy! Umbrae, here. Cuz of time and family and other mitigating circumstances (I'm usually only fully available at ungodly hours when so few others are!), we're going to be handwaving Kirk and Scotty's space launch to the a moon thing. It's to go get the xprize that Kirk's mentioned before as the catalyst for this whole mess from basically the start of the game.

To make a long story short: personal life reasony stuff is under this cut )

Some further space related things of note, are under this cut. )

That's that! Guests welcome and it's open invite via word of mouth, so friends of a friend are welcome to say they were there. Really this is just to establish it happened. If you want your toon to go watch? It's all good! You can comment here, as questions, or you're simply free to have your toon say, 'hey, I was there.' They can say they were there and that nothing went boom! Either way, Thurs. That's the plan. Ker~yeah.

*salutes!* Thanks y'all, and hopefully 2012 can stop kicking some of our asses any time now, ffs! *skips off to kick a Mayan calendar in it's calendar junk* *cuz yeah, it deserves it.*

Jun. 18th, 2012



Alice: Madness Returns cosplayers!

Read more... )

May. 14th, 2012


Some awesome for this afternoon

Was working on Satele's memory chart and reviewing the trailers she's a part of. I thought I'd share, because they're awesome.

Chronological order :D


Hope (lightsaber stoppage with HAND)

Decieved (well she's not part of this one but it is a trilogy so...)