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[Apr. 30th, 2012|07:16 am]


Who: Mordred
When: Afternoon
Where: Anywhere, but Florida at the end
What: Aftermath of chaos/invasion
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete/Narrative


Turned out he had been to a lot more places in the past week than he had in his entire time here. Mordred was confused. )
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[Feb. 10th, 2012|03:20 pm]

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Who: Mordred and Lilo (and Jake, eventually)
When: Afternoon
Where Beachfront
What: Caught again
Warnings: Violence, death (unintentional on one part, plus temporary)


He seemed to be growing into his powers the more he practiced. But here is why it's always a good idea to have supervision. )
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[Jan. 27th, 2012|02:16 pm]


Who: Mordred
When: Evening
Where: Hawaii
What: On the run
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete; narrative


Those who think all Druids are peace loving and hugging trees? Ohhh, think again... )
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[Jan. 15th, 2012|11:20 pm]
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Who: Nimue and Mordred, potential guest appearances by Merlin, Gaius, maybe others.
What: Fire, blame, and betrayal
Warnings: Smoke! Fire!

The terrible flames of all that remains )
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[Mar. 2nd, 2011|05:24 am]

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Who: Mordred and Nimue
When: Evening
Where: His house
What: Getting a new home
Rating: PG-13, maybe R
Status: In progress
Warnings: Profanity, bad language, violence, possibly death


It would seem that in such a modern age when pretty much anything could be acceptable, magic still could have frightening reactions. )
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