Under the Rainbow - Logs community - November 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 16th, 2008

[Nov. 16th, 2008|03:05 am]


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Who: Aphrodite and Antigone
What: First meeting, as far as Aphrodite is concerned.
When/Where: Sunday, 11ish. Mediterranean Cafe, NYC
Warnings: oh dear lord no.

She was, as she usually was, late for the brunch she'd set up with Anne. She had to admit, her curiosity was getting the better of her in this case... the idea that Hermes had a child she didn't know about was practically unfathomable... he was always the most reluctant father. Still, both Hermes and Ares had confirmed it, so she could only imagine they were in fact telling the truth. It was the only time they ever agreed on things, really. The fact that this girl knew her was also intriguing. While she had a habit of forgetting the...well, forgettable, Aphrodite doubted this girl fell into this category. Demigods rarely did.

Appearing just outside the Cafe, she stepped in and held her hand up to silence the host's inevitable fawning, looking around first to see if her guest had arrived.
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[Nov. 16th, 2008|06:33 pm]
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Who: Darius and Scott
Where: a steakhouse in Genosha
When: early afternoon
What: eating, being teenaged guys, discussion of the craziness that infects their family
Warnings: teenage boys

Darius was still in his suit, tie loose around his neck when he arrived at the steakhouse. His portfolio was tucked neatly into his messenger bag, and he looked around, excited. Despite himself, he was looking forward to seeing his dad again. Even if it wasn't his dad, but. . .

Scott had been a huge part of Darius's life, and he still found himself wondering what the older man would do in certain situations.

Meeting a Scott close to his age was bound to be trippy, and probably mind bending. But hell, what did he really have to loose?
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[Nov. 16th, 2008|06:39 pm]
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Who: Ophelia and Darius
Where: Ophelia's hospital, out and about, maybe
When: afternoon
What: consuming hot chocolate
Warnings: doubtful. Cuteness may be lethal.

Darius bounced through the halls, glad to be seeing Ophelia again. He had a thermos full of hot chocolate, and had another surprise for her that he hoped she would like.

The nurse at the station smiled at him, and he greeted her by name. Darius was good at remembering names and faces.

He walked in a more dignified manner when he got to Ophelia's hallway, and tapped on her door frame before poking his head in. "Hey!"
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[Nov. 16th, 2008|09:44 pm]


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Who: Sam Witwicky and Ganieda
What: A date, what else?
Where: Gani's apartment, and thence to Avalon
When: Now-ish?
Ratings: TBD

Sometimes a Princess needs to look like one... )
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[Nov. 16th, 2008|09:59 pm]
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Who: Rune and Lori
Where: coffee shop-shaped place
When: shortly after this
Why: Interview-shaped-thing

Rune had walked to the coffee shop, he tended to walk most places, he had a car, and he used it for long trips, but this was a short one.

At that particular moment he was perched at one of the smallish tables outside, keeping an eye out for Lori, his coffee steaming on the table in front of him, more milk and sugar than real coffee, but that was how he liked it more often than not.
He was dressed for the weather, more or less, with a black-and-white striped scarf and matching mittens that were currently sitting beside his coffee.

There was something decidedly bird-like about the way he sat, partially due to just how tall he was, folded into the chair, but it was also partly in the way he moved, quick fluttery little movements.
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