Under the Rainbow - Logs community - October 13th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 13th, 2008

[Oct. 13th, 2008|02:25 am]
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Who: Cassidy Turner and Sneaky McGee
What: Gift shopping.
Where: Sneaky's shop, London
When: A couple days after the last log or something.
Warnings: None

It was a nice autumn afternoon in London, and as such, the youngest Turner, wearing his favorite hoodie and a pair of scuffed black jeans, was enjoying a post-construction walk around town. It was almost always one of his favorite things to do, especially when he was on a scavenger hunt for one shop in particular. A shop that was never in the same place twice.

Lucky for him, it was right where he needed to be. He had almost walked right past it before he realized he'd arrived at his destination. He beamed and stepped in, hearing the string of bells signal his entrance into the store. He looked around and smiled wide. It was exactly as he remembered it, yet completely different selection - as it always had been each time he found it. He walked to the counter and bent over it to look into the back room to see if Sneaky was in there first. "H'lo?" He called, standing up straight once more before looking in the case he'd just bent over. Ooh, watches!
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[Oct. 13th, 2008|11:51 am]



Who: Ganieda and her mother's boyfriend Dave (Dave's perspective)
What: Narrative with no dialogue [completed]
Where: The Davies' Apartment
When: Today-ish.
Ratings: None.

Dave was hungry... )
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[Oct. 13th, 2008|02:30 pm]
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Who: Skwisgaar-the-younger and Lulu
Where: Skwisgaar-the-elder's cabin
When: About the same time as this
Warnings: We'll go with 'probably just Lulu's boobs' UPDATE: Yeah, they're not using the kitchen counter for food prep, nsfw.

His older-self had told him what was going on, but then he'd spent the better part of the day at Brenda's and had subsequently forgotten that Lulu was going to be at the cabin when he got back.

He was doing better than he had been upon the arrival of his mother, mostly due to everything that had transpired after being rescued by the elder guitarist. And, of course, spending any amount of time at the Turner-Brennan household was enough to cheer anybody up, at least a little.

He fought with the door a moment, having to open it one-handed since he had a pie tin and a bag of cookies in the other hand, guitar slung across his back. He kicked it closed again with a bang before going to the kitchen to put the food down.
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[Oct. 13th, 2008|04:10 pm]
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Who: Hank and Anya
What: Coming to pick her up after her loss
When: Today
Where: The school, home, unknown.
Rating: TBD

Hank drove swiftly, and carefully, and with all speed )
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[Oct. 13th, 2008|08:08 pm]
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Who: Ahsoka Tano and Jamie Madrox
Where: X-Factor
Warnings: Nope!

Sorry! Hair! )
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[Oct. 13th, 2008|10:07 pm]
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Who: Boomer and Adora
What: Premarital sex
Warnings: For those of you who fail reading comprehension, premarital sex.

Today I learn that lj-cunt isn't a real tag, which probably shows you where my brain is. )
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[Oct. 13th, 2008|10:43 pm]


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Who: Guido and Mia
What: Long time, no see
Where: X-Factor
When: Backdated a bit

Figures I'd find you in the kitchen )
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[Oct. 13th, 2008|11:41 pm]
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Who: Lionel and Nancy
When: Tonight-ish
Where: Their apartment
Why: Nancy wants to convince Lionel they should go on adventure.
Rating: You should know us by now.

"No, don't put them block in your mouth, that's not sanitary, Diane..." Lionel said as he reached and pulled the wooden block out of her chubby fingers and set it back on the floor.  He had the twins on the carpet with a box of blocks strewn about on the floor with them, amusing them by building little towers for them to knock down.  George was sitting upright next to his sister with a Little Tykes car pushing it back and forth on the carpet next to him, ramming it through the tiny towers Lionel had built for him to crash with it.  Every time George wrecked one, Diane giggled loudly and flailed her arms in excitement, which made Lionel smile.  He'd stretched out beside them, and with one of George's toy cars, rammed more blocks which caused a loud peel of laughter to come from Diane and George both.  Eventually, Diane rocked until she tumbled over to get to her hands and knees and crawled over to her daddy, then pushed up on him to get back into a sitting position where she could playfully bat at his cheeks and pull on his hair.
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