Under the Rainbow - Logs community - October 1st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 1st, 2008

[Oct. 1st, 2008|12:24 am]
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Who: Remy Stark and Pepper Potts
What: Their conversation when Remy goes to check on her and the baby
When: Last night
Where: LA Stark mansion
Warnings: None

a way to begin again )
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[Oct. 1st, 2008|12:27 am]


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Who: Soren Skwigelf and Sable Harris.
What: They're cute.
When: A bit after Soren and Cass' NSFWness.
Where: Sable's shop.
Warnings: Dunno yet! I'll put NSFW to be safe, though it could end up totally innocent. (I'm paranoid, leave me alone.)

I am not written in the book, but I intend to last. )
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[Oct. 1st, 2008|07:46 am]
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Who: Cable and Domino
What: Naming their spawn
When: early afternoon
Where: their spaceship
Warnings: Possible langugage, flirting, talking about pregnancy.

It had been a long night. Domino had spent most of it awake, unable to find a comfortable position. Ever since the end of the sleeping plot, she'd been back to her normal insomnia. Which meant that when she had finally gotten to sleep, she had slept well past the time Nate normally woke up.

Even so, she was surprised to see that she had slept until one pm. She sat up, yawning, and slid out of bed, to locate food and her lover.

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[Oct. 1st, 2008|08:06 am]
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Who: Tony Stark (both), Remy Stark and Pepper Potts
Where: LA Stark mansion
When: Monday night
Why: Tony finds out Pepper's been here all along and wants to see her.
Rating: TBD Bring on ze drama.

It was as if a veil had been lifted off of his eyes ever since Remy had spoken those words.  Pepper had been here in this universe for a long time now, was even pregnant with his other self's baby, which was technically his as well, and it immensely gnawed at his mind.  He'd had his mind wiped?  He'd been on the verge of a divorce because of Pepper and his love for her?  All of this was news to him, and Tony honestly didn't know how to react to all of it.  He'd run the gamut of emotions: anger, frustration, sadness and elation.  But what was he supposed to do?

Only one thing he could do.  He had to go and see her for himself.  Just because he didn't trust himself, he'd take the baby with him, and secretly, he wanted Pepper to see his son.  The one that could have easily been hers had it been a different time.

When Remy returned, he was waiting for her in the den, though he'd fallen asleep on the couch, his body outstretched across it with Ant just as sound asleep as him, the baby quietly sucking on his thumb with Tony's hand resting on back.  Tony had dozed off while watching television to keep his mind occupied after feeding Ant.  

He didn't even look peacefully asleep, either.  Tony looked conflicted or worried, even as he slept, though it wasn't a wonder what with everything that had to be running through his head at the moment.
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[Oct. 1st, 2008|10:13 am]


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Who: Charles Brandon & Margaret Tudor
What: Smutting each other up.
When: Nowish
Where: Her Highness' new home.
Warnings: Oh yes. Sex, smut, smacking each other around, language. It's been a few hundred years, after all.

Accidentally in Love )
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[Oct. 1st, 2008|11:48 pm]


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Who: Henry Tudor & Gabriella Montez
What: It’s date night in Vegas
Where: Um, Las Vegas
When: Soonish, right after she finds out about his being married and a king
Warnings: Nothing NSFW, definitely
Status: Complete

Bright light city )
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