Under the Rainbow - Logs community - July 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 22nd, 2008

[Jul. 22nd, 2008|04:32 pm]


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Who: Extremis! Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
Where: Inside the Malibu beach house of win
When: Tuesday evening
Why: Tony's still a little strange.
Rating: Sex. Duh.

A loud clanging rang through the workshop below the house as Tony puttered about listlessly, picking up random object, tinkered with them, then dropped them back on in place.  Nothing entertained him or captured his interest long enough to get him to sit still, and he'd gone back to that old habit of tapping the arc reactor on his chest when he was deep in thought.  He had just been getting back into himself when this came out of nowhere and plopped in his lap.  He'd woken on more than one occasion with flashbacks of the cave, of the rough surgery to install the electromagnet, and he knew it had to have worried Pepper to hear him yell in his sleep and then retreat to the bathroom for a while before going down to the shop.

It was strange to see her chest glow just like his, and every time he reached for the ring he'd bought to give to her, he hesitated.  Everything was all messed up right now, what with Extremis not in his system. Tony felt like only half of what he'd been before.  He was going to need to keep his hands busy somehow, so Tony pulled out his computer chair and ran his hand over the shorthand keyboard, making it light up as his fingers quickly skirted over the keys as he started to type just to see what his idle brain would come up with.
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[Jul. 22nd, 2008|04:39 pm]


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Who: Stephen Strange and Annataz
Where: On the rooftop of his Sanctum Sanctorium
When: Just after the challenge was issued
Why: Epic magic fighting?
Rating: TBD

There was a rough wind stirring the tails of the coat Doctor Strange wore as he stood on the edge of his roof, dark eyes focused on the world below.  Everything was thrown into chaos once more, some were finding fun in this alternative versions, but he didn't like it at all.  Sometimes he could feel the air around him crackling with positive energies, other times it was very negative and unsettling.  He shook his head as he humphed at the storm clouds forming overhead, obviously his own doing because he was far from calm.

She knew how to find him if she dared to challenge him.  He knew he was stronger than her, but he didn't want to hurt her.  That was still her body, just not her mind, to him.
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[Jul. 22nd, 2008|08:55 pm]


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who. Ed and AU!Link
what. Finding Link and bringing him back to the Bebop
when. Yesterday, I think. I dunno. Whenever Link turned ickle
where. London

Ed mourns the fact that she cannot climb up on Link's shoulders this week. )
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