Under the Rainbow - Logs community - July 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 21st, 2008

[Jul. 21st, 2008|01:15 pm]
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Who: Darius and Alex Summers
What: Meeting, talking, etc.
Where: Alex's tomb house
When: the afternoon after they talked.
Warnings: language. 100% incest free guaranteed.

Darius knocked on his uncle's door, adjusting his jacket in his arms. True to his words, he'd come as soon as he could get out of the house, and his hair was still wet as a result.

The outside of the house was nearly pristine, though that didn't mean much. None of them had ever wanted for money, so it was distinctly possible that the person caring for the garden wasn't Alex.

Still, it was something noteworthy that Alex was putting effort into the facade of normality.
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[Jul. 21st, 2008|01:19 pm]
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Who: Rose Frost and Darius Summers
What: getting to know each other
Where: Rose's home
Warnings: language, maybe.

Darius was bewildered by everything that had happened. He was doing his best to regain his mental balance, but this was just too weird, even for him. For a moment he was irked when he realized that Chris and Hank had probably done stuff like this before and would know exactly what to do. But there wasn't much he could do about his luck up to this point, so he trudged toward the location he'd been given, hands in his pockets.

He knocked on Rose's door when he arrived, straightening his clothing unconsciously.
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[Jul. 21st, 2008|06:59 pm]


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Who: Solvei Samuels and future!Dean Winchester
What: Being paranoid that someone might be after their son.
Where: Cali
When: alternaverse, a few days after their son was born
Warnings: probably not.

Baby take my hand... (Don't fear the Reaper) We'll be able to fly... )
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[Jul. 21st, 2008|07:54 pm]
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Who: Aziraphale, Crowley, and baby Cassiel
What: Crowley's meeting the child
When/Where: Today, Crowley's club
Warnings: Cuteness? Will update if there is NWS-ness

Aziraphale felt like dancing, as he carried the baby, but the child was sleeping in his arms, and he didn't wish to disturb her, so he walked at a slow and steady pace. It didn't take him long to reach the club, entering through the back door, and earning some odd looks from Crowley's staff. "My dear," he said to one wide eyed young boy who wore very nearly nothing, "would you point me toward the stairs? I seem to have forgotten the way."

The boy led him to a massive set of double doors, leading to the club proper. Zira stopped, and glanced behind him. "No, no, Child. I wish to go downstairs. To my dearests, that is to say, to Miss Crowley's offices." The boy stared at him, as if he didn't understand the language he spoke. The tiny child stretched and mewed in his arms. "Can you show me the way, boy?"
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[Jul. 21st, 2008|08:06 pm]
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Who: Sam and future!Dean Winchester
When: Backdated like whoa, before the plotty.
Where: Vegas.
Why: Because Sam's on the run from his emo, and his other brother is off in Oz, and because Bobby asked him to. And because any Dean is an *awesome* brother.
Rating: Language, most likely. In fact, definitely.

The highway's jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive. Everybody's out on the run tonight but there's no place left to hide. )
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[Jul. 21st, 2008|11:34 pm]


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Who: AU Sonya Blade and Shang Tsung
What:  pre-marital issues
Where:  the mansion
When: alternaverse, Monday night

Part of Sonya still thought it to running away, but really, this situation with them together wasn't getting any better, and it wasn't as if this was permanent. She just felt they both needed some time alone until they could think of how to handle this.

Sonya could just now create a glamor of her military ID to draw money from her account, but she still had to tell her reasoning to Shang. He was 'cold' but he was treating her like a guest-sort of-and just leaving all of a sudden was rude.

Currently, she was in the library that also served as a laboratory, skimming over a book on transfiguring and waiting for him to appear. Wearing black trouser and blue button down shirt, her hair pinned up, she looked a little older than her eighteen years.
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